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March went really fast, it kind of slipped through my fingers which I guess it means we have been pretty busy here at the Typeform Community HQ. 


Here are some community achievements that I’d love to share with you all:


  • We’ve reached 3,000 creators - woohoo!

  • We are not far from reaching 1,000 community conversations! (aka topics started).

  • On a weekly basis we have about 1,500 visiting the community already - keeps going up!

  • Google is loving our community - at the moment our community content gets about 1,000 impressions a day on Google. Let’s remember we only launched about 10 weeks ago,


As usual had some great engagement from the Typeform team, including: 

Meaningful Mondays -@paul  started every week on a meaningful note with his thought-provoking discussion points.

Webinar: The art of outcome quiz engagement -@amy.carlson ran a live workshop explaining how to use logic to build engrossing quizzes.

Integrations Digest -@rachelmkalt gave an update on a couple of interesting new native integrations for Thinkific and Asana.

Hack Together Episodes #2 and #3 -@picsoung live streamed a couple of cool Typeform solutions – one on setting up custom CRM integrations and another on adding user reviews through Jamstack.

Office Hours -@Liz and francois got together every Friday to tackle your technical typeform troubles.

How to level up your integrations with Integromat -@Michaela  showed us some of the cool stuff you can do using Integromat, Typeform and Google Sheets.

Webinar: Better feedback using real conversation - Amy was back for another New Builder webinar - this time about creating smarter surveys.

Meaningful Conversations announcement - Rachel explained more about our forthcoming Meaningful Conversations event and why we're running it. 

Product Update: New Personalized Chat experience -@jnewnam stopped by to explain more about Typeform's new chatbot builder.

Big round of applause to them all.


We are only starting with this space and we are so thrilled to see so many of you using the community as a source of inspiration. Hats off to y’all specially 


@john.desborough  @vickioneill  @theseasonsofyou  @Camilla ,@Casey.ForiaWellness ,@Michaela ,@jonas ,@Kristianlb ,@valladolid00 ,@zach ,@Jvadams ,@WAD ,@Digicameron ,@Godsanne,@att21 ,@chvesq ,@jag,@daniel ,@Andy @Mosotex and everyone else who popped by to say hi or simply read a bit. 


And now the moment y’all been waiting for, a video of me dancing and celebrating St Patrick’s Day. 


Coming up soon: we are going to unlock a set of new badges soon. Stay tuned!

@Gabriel - nailed it!

Im sweating after all that spinning around, Des. 

Great dance moves, @Gabriel ! 

And congrats on all the amazing milestone moments since launching 10 weeks ago - that’s huge!!  Looking forward to seeing many more with this fast growing and amazing community!! 


By the way, while trying to find a (free) tool to do the amazing video above,  I stumble upon a couple of weird useless Apps. However I managed to create a beautiful thing with one of them … @James 


@Gabriel unbelievable. I'm sure Sir Tim Berners Lee would be proud to see his technology being used to share such ground breaking artwork…


I’m literally laughing out loud at the airport right now hahahahaha. @Gabriel this made my day. About time!!

I think this means we need a video of hot dog dancing @James !
