
Webinar: The Art of Outcome Quiz Engagement

Webinar: The Art of Outcome Quiz Engagement
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Hello fellow community members! :v_tone2:


Amy from the Customer Outcomes team here to say hello and let you know that our webinar from March 2nd has been uploaded below! @Jo-Shan and I enjoyed interacting with everyone, thank you so much for your participation! 


Here’s what we covered in this webinar:

  1. Introduction to Outcomes Quizzes and their benefits
  2. Content Creation - Closed end question types & endings
  3. Design functionalities - what’s changed and what’s the same
  4. Outcome Logic - what is it and why we love it
  5. Connecting- integrating your forms with your favorite tools
  6. Embedding & Sharing - Social shares are here w/ Outcome Logic! 


:star: Full webinar recording below! :star:

Here are a few links to what I mentioned in the above demo:




💡 I would love to hear your feedback and questions about the webinar. How useful was it for you? Was something unclear? Let me know below…or feel free to use this typeform to give me your honest, anonymous, and candid feedback. Don’t be gentle, there’s always improvements to be made :)

12 replies

Userlevel 7
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@amy.carlson @Jo-Shan 

looking forward to this!!



Userlevel 7
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@amy.carlson @Jo-Shan 

looking forward to this!!



Me too!!! @john.desborough @amy.carlson @Jo-Shan 



Badge +5

Can’t wait for you guys to deliver another master class. I’ll bring pen and paper to this one :writing_hand_tone3:

Userlevel 7
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This is on my calendar! I’m SO looking forward to attending this. The last one was very helpful!! 

Userlevel 7
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Great session @amy.carlson @Jo-Shan 


Userlevel 5
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Thank you @john.desborough :sunflower: ! Always great to see your hard hitting questions to keep us on our toes!

Have a great Tuesday! 

Userlevel 7
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Great job on the webinar today, @amy.carlson ! 

I love how you built a quiz on demand. It’s also interesting to see what someone else thinks about while they are building it. It’s so cool to see the process - thanks for starting from scratch and building it live.🔥

Userlevel 7
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Thank you @john.desborough :sunflower: ! Always great to see your hard hitting questions to keep us on our toes!

Have a great Tuesday! 

@amy.carlson … Hard hitting?? heck no! … was just asking what it appeared that others were asking lol.. maybe there were ‘insightful’?? lol.. or just ‘curmudgeonly’ - yeah that’s the word for it … 

seriously though - great job today and i did pick up a couple of little tricks including the image positioning adjustment: that was a new one for me.. 

and, as @vickioneill mentioned, was great to see you working through the ‘on demand’ quiz building live.. 

great job - both of you!




Userlevel 4
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Thanks @john.desborough :) It was good to see you there!

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Full webinar now uploaded! :desktop:

Userlevel 7
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Stupendous stuff @amy.carlson and @Jo-Shan bravo :clap::clap::clap: Agree with everyone else, it was a great demo - I love that it's now possible to share the outcomes.

Regarding the question about connecting with Klaviyo, there is actually a native integration, but it needs to be set up on the Klaviyo end rather than in the Typeform Connect panel. More info on how to set it up here on the Klaviyo Help Center – which contains what seems to be the oldest living screenshot of Typeform…


 @Francois (Typeform) maybe we can have the Klaviyo content team update this?

Also for the benefit of any Klaviyo-ites, check out @Msquared 's amazing case study on CurlMix, who have a "hair type" quiz connected to Klaviyo that's powering their lead generation. It's a really nice example of what can be achieved with a bit of imagination ✂️

Userlevel 5
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Amazing @James !!! TMYK! Thank you!
