
endings in responses

  • 4 February 2024
  • 8 replies

In the responses grid, only the acutal responses are entered.  Since we have multiple endings, I would like the ending triggered to come up on the grid as well.  This will make it easier to respond the the customers, and also to ensure that the ending is accurate (since it is so easy to make a mistake when setting it up).  How can I do this to include the ending the the responses worksheet?

8 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @Dangel If you use an outcome quiz, you’ll be able to see the ending in the responses!

Im not seeing the different endings showing up for the quiz i have set up. From reading the community answers it seem that this should be available. Is it not setup for the free plan?




How do I switch my survey to an outcome quize?  Or do I need to make the whole thing over again?

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@Dangel - in a scoring quiz, what you need to do is create a variable for the ending (say v_ending) and then set a logic rule that puts a value into the v_ending variable on the last question, where you do your evaluation of which ending to which you route your respondent. 

if you do that, then the variable is stored with the value (ie ending 1, ending 2, etc) as part of your submission data and it will be available in the typeform results and, if you connect to Google Sheets etc, as a part of the data available for submission (i do this into Convertkit for several forms) 





I already have logic set up for different endings for my suvey.  I would like to see those results.  Do I need to redo the logic to do this? (I have about 20 endings!)

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @Bangenstein I added your post here where we have an existing discussion about this. 😀

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

I already have logic set up for different endings for my suvey.  I would like to see those results.  Do I need to redo the logic to do this? (I have about 20 endings!)

@Dangel - nope.. just add logic rules that says something like this based on each of your routings - i am going to use v_total as an example:

  • if v_total is less than 4 replace v_ending with ‘ending 1’ 
  • if v_total is less than 7 and v_total is greater than or equal to 4 then replace v_ending with ‘ending 2’
  • etc


yeah it’s a pain to add the additional rules but once it’s done it will capture the ending for you..


How can I make the answers OR so that if the respondent will answer for example A to question #1 Or B to question #2 that there will be the same ending using an outcome quiz?
