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February Community Roundup ❤️

  • 11 March 2022
  • 8 replies
February Community Roundup ❤️

Just when I thought January flew by, so did February! We must be off to a great start this year with VideoAsk creators officially joining the community. If you haven’t given VideoAsk a try or don’t know where to start with it, now’s your chance! Ask around to see what folks are using the product for or drop a link to your form to share inspiration for others!


And with that good news, on with the good stuff!

📈 Since February 2022 we have had 896 new members join, and we’re currently at a total of 12, 176 creators – many of whom are VideoAsk creators 


🗣️  235 conversations were started by our members and 1026 likes were handed out. 


👀  69,316 visitors stopped by the community and 26,656 of those were unique views. 


✅  81.28% of questions had an answer - yay! 


Here are some of the highlights from last month: 


The biggest highlight in February was opening our doors to the VideoAsk community. Read more about it here


Wondering how to attract the right leads? Rewatch our webinar from last month here for some stellar content to get the right folks to you. 


We dropped some new integrations and features, including the NPS Block and the Unbounce integration. Yay for making life easier!


Recruitment got a whole lot easier with the release of the Lever integration in VideoAsk. You can learn more about how this integration works here


If you’re a fan of tags and filters, you’ll love them even more with the new updates released in VideoAsk, which you can explore here


If you’re a techie-kind of person, you’ll enjoy the recent Hack Together from Nico and Andrew discussing how to create a viral video testimonial here


Pancakes, travel, and the construction outside my apartment made a big splash in our Barception. Have no idea what I’m talking about? Read all the recipes, travel, and drama here!


Shout out to @john.desborough  @Grace  @mathio  @picsoung  and @Antonio  for creating a fun atmosphere in the community, and I’m excited to hear all about @Gabi Amaral ’s Amazon trip when she returns in March!


See you all next month!


Phew! So much has happened already and we’re only in March! Might need to go have a lie down...

Love the summary @Liz Have a great March y’all. I need a holiday :laughing:

You and me both, @Gabriel ! In the US, March is spring break time for kids still in school, and I really wish we had this as adults!

@Gabriel @Liz - hah! next week is spring break here for the wee beastie… since we are not travelling we are lucky that the ‘after school’ program turns into a full daycare for the week … especially lucky this year as she has been home all week with a cold and should be free and clear to go to be with friends during the days next week. 

not going to say that my wife and the wee beast have been besties this week, with cold-caused boredom and all my wife’s colleagues going away early and leaving her to handle ‘way too much of everything’ … but i think they both need to be separated for several hours each day lol.. 


I am looking forward to maybe escaping for a few hours tonight to go cross country skiing in the blizzard that is arriving for the weekend.. or maybe just sitting in the rocking chair with a single malt and watching the snow fall down outside …. hmmm.. decisions. 

February was a great month and don't worry, @Liz! I'll share some Amazon photos soon! It was an OUTSTANDING experience! :sunglasses:

i joined in march but really regret not joinig in february, such a great site, and such a warm envirement, a real great loving working place...

Glad to hear, @the conservative ! Hope all the form building is going well! 

Let us know if you end up skiing, @john.desborough !

getting to know this site @Liz 

every minute her is a pleasure...
