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I am unable to have decimal number input when I set it up as number input only. Any tips?

11 replies

Userlevel 7
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Hi @domnayek Thanks for stopping by the community! We don’t currently support decimals, but I can share your feedback with the product team. 

Guys... I've seen this being requested in at least 5 different posts, going as far back as early 2021.

And every time, the 'feedback is shared with the product team.' Yet here we are, almost 3 years later, and the simplest functionality (adding a '.' to a number input) is still not available.

I spent 2-3 hours building a form to my specifications, only to realize that my users cannot input a decimal, making the entire form useless. I'm forced to move on, left with a very bitter taste from dealing with a stagnant, slow-moving, deflecting 'tech' company.

Maybe you care to discuss work arounds or actually escalate this feature request once and for all. 


Userlevel 7
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Hi @c.r.pechau Totally get the frustration - I want decimals, too! I’ll share the feedback about there being no notification about decimals in the product. That would be really helpful. 

Just posting to add that I’d like to have decimals in my form. Otherwise, I’ll have to use Short Text instead of Number and do regex to get the decimal numbers out.

This is a one line code change. Please knock this out today.

Otherwise I need have to go with another service.

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Any updates here? This is getting embarrassing. 

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OK so maybe instead of just complaining let me provide some feedback on how I’d implement this. One solution provider who’s nailed data types is Airtable. It has several data types including Number, Currency and Percent. When you select a data type, there are more options. So for currency you can select the symbol, for number the amount of decimal points, whether you want a thousand separator etc. 




Typeform already has sub-class properties such as the “other” option for the multiple select so you can just re-use that code base. So something as simple as:

class CurrencyElement(FormElement):
def __init__(self, currency_symbol='$', allow_negative=False, decimal_points=2):
self.currency_symbol = currency_symbol
self.allow_negative = allow_negative
self.decimal_points = decimal_points



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As a start, it would already be very helpful to be able to collect negative values. For now, I’ll have to switch to Airtable forms. I know I could set the type to short text but chances of error are simply too big.

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From Typeform’s support. Might be helpful for the folks here. TL;DR Don’t wait for this, no timeline.




Hi Rutger, 
Rai here from Support, thanks for getting back and your patience.
We have checked this internally, but unfortunately we are not able to provide any specific timeline or date when and if this will be implemented, there is no item for this on our roadmap yet. It will likely depend on the feasibility as it may impact other things in the backend like integrations and results as well as resources as we have a number of other things in the pipeline. I understand that this answer may not be satisfactory for you, but rest assured that all feature requests are being looked at and considered for development when the situation allows.
I'm really sorry we couldn't help more this time around. If there's anything else we can assist with, please just let us know. 
All the best,



One of the things I use Typeform for is accepting orders from my customers. I have to charge sales tax on these orders. In the state of New Jersey the sales tax is 6.25%. So, in order to charge sales tax I need to multiply @price by 1.0625. Since Typeform only supports 2 decimal places, I can only multiply by 1.06 or 1.07...which would calculate the wrong total price (including tax) - so I’d either be overcharging or undercharging on sales tax. So, I’d either be breaking NJ law or undercharging the customer and I’d have to calculate how much extra that I owe NJ and take those funds out of my own pocket which creates an accounting nightmare.

Is there any workaround for this?

Userlevel 7
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Hi @HavenLife I’ve added your post here so you can get updated if we add support for decimals as a feature. 😀
