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Happy Monday, all!

Ages ago when we could work in the office, we used to hang around the Barception - Typeform’s take on a reception with exactly what it sounds like - a bar!

We’re bringing the Barception to all of you, and you can virtually visit it below: 



Think of this as your virtual meeting space where you can say hello in the morning and goodbye in the evening, talk about what you’ve got planned this weekend or what your favorite beverage of choice is, morning or night!


I’m currently drinking iced coffee today - what about you all?

995 replies

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Nice @belinda_long I lived in Santiago de Chile for about 6 months back in 2010. Loved it, I was so sad to leave the country… the scenery is mind-bending. 

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@Liz there’s just one spot in particular, we always go to the same one bc we love it haha it’s called “amor porteño” (port love/Valpo love). Porteños/porteñas are what the Valpo locals are called, being from the port etc (like how people from Buenos Aires are called porteños)


It’s an old school icecream parlour that’s been around forever & has amazing flavours but honestly, my fave is a simple mochaccino 😂


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Hey guuuys :wave::hugging: !

Thank you so much for all those nice words! I am so so SO proud to have received that badge! :hearts: I wish I could put it on my CV, haha.

Great to see that everyone seems to be enjoying themselves :blush:

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@Gabriel If you lived there for 6 know you need to send a photo or we can’t possibly believe it happened! :joy::rofl:

@belinda_long that looks so fun!! I’m also adding that ice cream spot to my list! I really want to go to Chile (or South America in general again) this winter, but narrowing down where to go is always so tough. I can’t remember if you told us - how did you end up in Chile? For fun? (Sorry if I missed this!)

@Michaela Nothing’s stopping you from putting it on your CV! :joy:

@Michaela Nothing’s stopping you from putting it on your CV! :joy:


@Michaela I would say that same thing!:point_up_tone3::joy:

@Gabi Amaral Nope! I don’t celebrate Christmas, so for me this is the worst season to shop.:sweat_smile:

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Oh @belinda_long, next time I'll visit Valpo, I'll remember to watch a beautiful sunset and have an ice cream in "amor porteno" style! How hard is it to communicate in English in Chile? Or maybe you speak Spanish already? 

@Michaela We should be thanking you for building so many meaningful conversations in our Community! :blue_heart:

@Paulo I get you! I'm not a big fan of malls tbh and every mall gets unbearable during Christmas season! Not sure if it's worse than Black Friday though (aka tomorrow!) 

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@Gabriel If you lived there for 6 know you need to send a photo or we can’t possibly believe it happened! :joy::rofl:

@belinda_long that looks so fun!! I’m also adding that ice cream spot to my list! I really want to go to Chile (or South America in general again) this winter, but narrowing down where to go is always so tough. I can’t remember if you told us - how did you end up in Chile? For fun? (Sorry if I missed this!)

@Michaela Nothing’s stopping you from putting it on your CV! :joy:

@Liz Nah, originally came over to do the whole “teach English, learn Spanish” thing after quitting corporate to spend a year in South America...that was 5 years ago 😂 a lot of pivoting, learning, evolving since then haha it’s been a wild ride but I don’t regret a thing! 

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Oh @belinda_long, next time I'll visit Valpo, I'll remember to watch a beautiful sunset and have an ice cream in "amor porteno" style! How hard is it to communicate in English in Chile? Or maybe you speak Spanish already? 

@Michaela We should be thanking you for building so many meaningful conversations in our Community! :blue_heart:

@Paulo I get you! I'm not a big fan of malls tbh and every mall gets unbearable during Christmas season! Not sure if it's worse than Black Friday though (aka tomorrow!) 

yeah you pretty much need to speak Spanish here unless you’re in the touristy nice areas, not like Mexico or central america where you can get away with English for the most part. Tour guides and restaurant staff speak a decent amount of English but apart from that you’re in the wild, wild west haha kind of like that about Valpo tbh! @Gabi Amaral 

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Happy thanksgiving and weekend, folks 🦃

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@belinda_long aah I get that! I don't know because when I was there, I was communicating in Spanish! So, you were supposed to spend one year in Chile and ended up spending 5? Hahaha

I had a very chill weekend and now I'm ready for December! This week I'm not going to the office as I'll be taking one week off after more than a year without proper vacations! Hehehe. Pretty excited about it! 

What about you? What's new on your week? @john.desborough @Paulo @Michaela @TFJunkie 

@Gabi Amaral My week is still about packing stuff lol

I'll be off the internet for the couple next days due to moving houses, but I'll be back as soon as I can.

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Ah @Paulo, we will miss you! I expect a lot of photos next week! 

I'll be away for one week because I'll be off traveling with a friend. Will definitely return with a lot of photos! So, I trust you guys to keep the ball rolling over here and to keep us posted on your life! Hehehe :heart_eyes: @john.desborough @belinda_long @Michaela 

The rest of the team will be here though! @Liz :blue_heart:


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Good luck moving houses, @Paulo! Hope the process with be as quick and as painless as possible :blush:

Enjoy your travels @Gabi Amaral! Looking forward to seeing all the beautiful photos you’ll eventually share with us :heart_eyes:

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Good luck @Paulo and happy travels @Gabi Amaral 🚃

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@Gabi Amaral Safe travels over there. 

@Paulo How did the move go, mate?

I’ve been head down, working on an email template and setting up a new Mailchimp account for my new business. Will be building and integrating a new Typeform for it too :)) soon. I’m actually more looking forward to the Typeform than this tedious email template. 

Our weather has been warming up down here, but the environment is still topsy turvy. I can't go out without having to deal with some idiot (sheeple) in this city. Australia has totally gone to shit! I should say Australian people have, the land is still beautiful, but the community is not what I grew up in, just a bunch of complicit, acquiescent, compliant and brainwashed pussies.

I ask myself, ‘Where are the real Aussies in my city, what happened to them???’ The bloke called a ‘True Blue Aussie’ is a historical figure now, and if you meet one these days, consider yourself bloody lucky

So I tend to stay home more often, and order my groceries online to avoid knocking some douchebag out and going to court for assault. I’m not violent, and avoid confrontation these days, but I have a-don't back down attitude-which is typically Aussie-and I’m also getting old to get into scraps just to let off steam… haha.

Just switch on some iTunes with my Typeform speaker and watch a bit of Youtube, hehe. 

I’ve also been watching alot of David Wyn Miller, the technology he developed is something I consider powerful and am working on self proficiency. 

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Congrats to @Grace  for the Meaningful badge 😍


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Hello folks. It’s a quiet week in Spain, yesterday it was Constitution Day and tomorrow is the Day of Immaculate Conception. Both bank holidays… Most people take Tuesday off too so you can have 5 days off in a row, not a bad deal!

Im still around if you need me 🤠

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@Gabriel - c’mon man! take the day off with your little guy and have a ton of fun.. let him choose the coffee beans and the cheese!



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Heheh. He’s with his friend Yuri now, whom he likes a lot more than me :P

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ok then.. go get the missus some flowers or something.. pennies in the jar mate!

Just ask @James what domestic duties he is undertaking today to earn a gold star or two…


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@john.desborough try finding a pharmacy that’s open on a bank holiday when you live in the arse-end of nowhere :unamused: Had to traipse to the next village along and wander the streets for the best part of 2 hours to find a covid test kit for my better half – and after all that it was negative. I mean, obviously I’m glad it’s negative but it kinda feels like it was all for nothing :joy:

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I hope you enjoy the bank holidays, @Gabriel and @James! (Well, at least it was negative, James!!) I certainly enjoyed but I'm happy to be back here! 

@Paulo let us know how the move was! Can't wait to check some photos of it! 

Congrats for the badge, @Grace! You're certainly meaningful for our community! :blue_heart:

Thanks, @TFJunkie! The trip was amazing. Although I had to deal with a heavy winter, I had a lot of fun! 

Last but not least, did you have time to find some nice books to read @Michaela? I'm still waiting for your recommendations! :wink:

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@john.desborough try finding a pharmacy that’s open on a bank holiday when you live in the arse-end of nowhere :unamused: Had to traipse to the next village along and wander the streets for the best part of 2 hours to find a covid test kit for my better half – and after all that it was negative. I mean, obviously I’m glad it’s negative but it kinda feels like it was all for nothing :joy:

such a romantic! … lol.. jk.. poor you.. but did you bring the flowers?? 


rotflmao.. i need more coffee

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@john.desborough try finding a pharmacy that’s open on a bank holiday when you live in the arse-end of nowhere :unamused: Had to traipse to the next village along and wander the streets for the best part of 2 hours to find a covid test kit for my better half – and after all that it was negative. I mean, obviously I’m glad it’s negative but it kinda feels like it was all for nothing :joy:

Hasn’t the CDC in North America unregistered the PCR test as a convid19 diagnostic tool? Due to so many false positives?

We are expecting one of the wettest summers on record due to the Lã Nina effect arriving in the southern hemisphere this year. It’s already started pretty much, the last 10 days have had 8 days of rainy weather.
I think that will equate to a cold dry winter in the northern hemisphere? As a beekeeper, I miss spending time watching my bees and inspecting them.

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@john.desborough try finding a pharmacy that’s open on a bank holiday when you live in the arse-end of nowhere :unamused: Had to traipse to the next village along and wander the streets for the best part of 2 hours to find a covid test kit for my better half – and after all that it was negative. I mean, obviously I’m glad it’s negative but it kinda feels like it was all for nothing :joy:

Hasn’t the CDC in North America unregistered the PCR test as a convid19 diagnostic tool? Due to so many false positives?

We are expecting one of the wettest summers on record due to the Lã Nina effect arriving in the southern hemisphere this year. It’s already started pretty much, the last 10 days have had 8 days of rainy weather.
I think that will equate to a cold dry winter in the northern hemisphere? As a beekeeper, I miss spending time watching my bees and inspecting them.


@TFJunkie - yeah, I read something about that, too - I’m pretty sure it was just tests from one manufacturer though. It’s all a bit baffling to me now. We’re in Spain and gonna have to spend 100s on tests to get the fam back over to England for Christmas – I hope to God they are accurate :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Beekeeping sounds fascinating, how long have you been doing it? And how come you aren’t getting to see your beloved bees? Because of the weather you mean?


