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  • October 27, 2021

@Gabi Amaral - a Brazilian looking for recommendations on coffee?? I won’t tell anyone from ‘home’ lol

I’ve been switching between some Indonesian and some Ethiopian beans… the toss up in mix is the ‘type’ of bean: arabica or robusta beans.

Arabica are the most popular and produce a better tasting, smoother flavour. Typically they are higher quality beans. Robusta are cheaper and easier to farm however they are much more bitter in flavour and considered the lower quality choice. On average, robusta beans have twice as much caffeine content as arabica beans. The added caffeine contributes to the harsher flavour. 

some coffee roasters work to find the mix of flavour with arabica and boosting the caffeine ‘kick’ by blending in some robusta… 

I drink my coffee black and like it strong, but i don’t like a ‘burnt coffee’ flavour from some folks who overroast their stuff. 

just enjoy whatever you can find - check with @Gabriel cuz he has been checking out some different beans from his local providers


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  • October 27, 2021

HAHAH @Paulo was the sauce really bitter? What was the best sauce of them all? It looked so good!

@Gabi Amaral Ah! Well, hopefully the break from travel will be nice. It gets exhausting!



Yesterday, I saw the film below with some friends here, and it made me miss my days living in Rome! It’s definitely an Italian film so if you watch the trailer….maybe watch it in the privacy of your own home ha. 


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I also finally got a photo of some BBQ here (the last time, I ate it too quick). I’ve still got plenty of places to check off my bucket list!


@Paulo @john.desborough @Gabriel @Gabi Amaral anyone else eating anything interesting this week? 


and @john.desborough you would be so proud! This weekend, I’m going back to my sister’s apartment...and she FINALLY upgraded from Folgers coffee. Thank the coffee gods!

  • Certified Partner & Champion
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  • October 27, 2021

@Paulo @john.desborough @Gabriel @Gabi Amaral anyone else eating anything interesting this week? 


and @john.desborough you would be so proud! This weekend, I’m going back to my sister’s apartment...and she FINALLY upgraded from Folgers coffee. Thank the coffee gods!

@Liz - don’t tell me it’s Maxwell House.. i will boycott your posts for the weekend lol.. 


hmm.. lemme see… making sauerkraut ‘kimchi-style’ (spicing not the usual ingredients) that will be ready on the weekend and mushroom-walnut burgers for dinner (pics to come, yes @Liz i know) and maybe some home-made vegan sausages on the grill as well (sticking with the bbq theme i guess) - using rice wraps as the ‘skin’ of the sausages… will see what recipe i end up using for those - with pics lol


  • 304 replies
  • October 28, 2021

@Liz Radish sauce was a mix of bitter and hot, but in a bad way...:joy:

Thanks for the heads up! I’m gonna watch the trailer later!
And my mouth is watering just looking to your BBQ pic!

Talking about food, since Japan has unlearned how to Autumn this year and jumped right into Winter, we had a warm and hot (this time in a good way) kimchi hot pot last night.:fire:



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  • October 28, 2021

@Paulo - that looks wonderful!


  • 304 replies
  • October 28, 2021

@john.desborough It even warmed my bones! lol

Gabi Amaral
  • Ex–Typefomer
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  • October 28, 2021

Wow @john.desborough! Thanks for the explanation. Do you think the Arabica beans are much more expensive than the Robusta ones? I'll check in some places nearby here in Barcelona! 

@Liz Il film sembra bello! Hehehehe. The movie seems to be very nice! I'll put it on my list! Oh yes, and I'm pretty happy to stay away from airports at least for a month or so. :grin:

@Paulo Can you believe I never had a kimchi pot? Yours look wonderful!! Did you cook it? Is it hard? Recipe, please! 

I don't plan of eating anything interesting these days, but I'll make sure to let you know once I do! I'm a little bit sick, with a flu, I guess it's the change in weather! :disappointed_relieved:

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  • October 29, 2021

Gee whizz @Paulo that looks delicious, as well as being a great photo! How much of a kick did it have to it?

Gabi Amaral
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  • October 29, 2021

@Liz You asked what I was eating, so today I went to a cafe to have breakfast and in the end I had to order a hot chocolate with churros! I love Spain! :flag_es:


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  • October 29, 2021

My son wishes y’all a Happy Halloween! He’s handsome fella, just putting pumpkin on his face to protect his privacy 😎 - as you may imagine he hasn’t given me ‘his consent’ to visit this community :joy:



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  • October 29, 2021

@Gabriel - looks like he is ready! Enjoy Halloween and a nice long weekend!

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  • October 29, 2021

Thanks @john.desborough ! You too! 

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  • October 29, 2021

By the way a storm came and washes away all our Halloween decorations 🤣

  • Certified Partner & Champion
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  • October 30, 2021
Gabriel wrote:

By the way a storm came and washes away all our Halloween decorations 🤣

OH no! the little guy must have been sad!


poor him.. but you get to do it again tomorrow !!!

  • 304 replies
  • November 1, 2021

@Gabi Amaral You need to try it! The cool thing about hot pots is that they’re really simple to cook! For this one I boiled kimchi soup and added thin sliced pork belly, chicken dumplings, bean sprouts, chinese chive, shimeji mushroom, enoki mushroom and more kimchi on top. Believe me, it’s super easy!

@James My daughters laugh at me saying that I spend more time taking photos and adding filters for my Instagram than they do.:joy:
There's a considerable kick because of all the kimchi involved, but if you’re not fan of spicy foods you can just avoid eating the kimchi on the top. Also, one can tone it down by adding some cheese to it.

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  • November 1, 2021

@Gabi Amaral yes!! Churros! Where did you get those? I’ll need some when I come to visit in December!

@Paulo That kimchi pot looks so good! You’ll have to create a list of either recipes or places to eat in Japan so we can all do a food tour with you one day. Also, kimchi with...cheese? :open_mouth: What kind of cheese?? 

@Gabriel Noo!! Not the decorations! Did you at least get to celebrate with him a little bit before the rain? 

And I have one last BBQ photo from Austin! Thursday I had a massive heat headache (I forgot how much water you need in those temps!), so this was the only meal I ate late in the day. I went all out with food, some of it you can’t see here. :joy:


  • 304 replies
  • November 2, 2021

@Liz I hope you’re feeling better!

We use shredded mozzarella cheese and it goes perfectly with kimchi! You should try the Cheese Dakgalbi!

A food tour in Japan sounds like a lot of fun! I’m 100% in!!

Gabi Amaral
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  • November 2, 2021

@Liz I got the churros in a place called "Citizen Cafe", it was super nice! The weather in Barcelona was a bit weird lately, so I really enjoy finding nice cafes, get my kindle and read a bit! Your bbq sounds great! What's the yellow thing above the sausage? Is it pasta?

@Paulo when you say it like that, the recipe seems to be easy! I'm sure it wouldn't be that easy for me! Hehehe. You should consider creating a video tutorial "Brazilian cooking Japanese delicious meals!" :joy: And what do you tell your kids when they make fun of your "instagrammer/influencer" side?

How was Halloween for you and your young one, @john.desborough? What about you, @Michaela? Did you have time to celebrate Halloween? 

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  • November 2, 2021

@Paulo Mozzarella cheese?! I never would have expected that! What an interesting combination. 

@Gabi Amaral There is a churro stand at the Web Summit here, and I was so tempted to get one! 

  • 304 replies
  • November 2, 2021

@Gabi Amaral Believe me! Hot pot will be the easiest recipe you'll ever make! You just put everything in the pot and cook!:joy:
When you have two daughters in the house, you learn to don’t get bothered when made fun of! lol

@Liz The Koreans taught me to use cheese with their spicy food. They use cheese as attenuator for spicy foods, especially for the kids.


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  • November 3, 2021

Omg guys so I peek at this thread after a few days and suddenly I’m super hungry? Not fair :sweat_smile: Everything looks delicious, my rumbling stomach is a testament to that, hahah.

Last week, I was in this picturesque Czech town where they have a whiskey distillery (very very uncommon for our country). So my friend and I went full on with a cheesecake, a cappuccino and several blends. What a lovely morning that was :heart_eyes:


@Gabi Amaral I celebrated Halloween by watching What we do in the shadows and drinking GnTs :smile::jack_o_lantern:

Gabi Amaral
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  • November 3, 2021

@Liz Come on, get a churros for me! :joy:  I love it! How's the summit going? Super curious to hear more about it! 

@Paulo I believe you and I don't mind when people make fun of me as long as I can make fun of them as well...hehehe. I guess when I have kids, I'll be that kind of mom!

@Michaela Uuuh, that sounds so cozy! Great combination! 

I'm starting to get excited for Christmas Markets. Do you guys have recommendations of good ones in Europe??? :santa_tone2:

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  • November 3, 2021

i wonder if the machines that DO connect to Alexa (yes there are several) would turn on if, during a zoom meeting/podcast someone was to yell out to Alexa to make coffee, if all the machines in hearing would actually start to make and spew coffee lol.. 


hmmm… @James - should we get one of these on the Typeform Tour Bus as a backup to the espresso machine?

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  • November 3, 2021

@Paulo What is the most common cheese they use there? I had no idea cheese was in any of their dishes!

@Michaela That cheesecake looks so good!! Now I want one!

@Gabi Amaral The summit is really interesting! LOTS of people and tons of new companies. Today, Kim, our CEO at Typeform, gave a talk! 

@john.desborough It wouldn’t surprise me if this happened with Alexa - she always seems to be listening! One night, while at my sister’s apartment, she randomly turned on the music when no one asked her the middle of the night….

  • 304 replies
  • November 4, 2021

@Gabi Amaral If there was something that fatherhood taught me, it was not to take me too seriously!:sweat_smile:

@Liz It looks like mozzarella cheese is the choice for most of the Korean dishes, not sure why though.

@john.desborough @Liz We need to test this Alexa! Make coffee thing!lol

Am I the only one who is uncomfortable with the fact that our electronic devices are listening to us all the time? Some time ago I was giving a lecture (in Portuguese) about ancient Persia and at one point I mentioned King Cyrus (in Portuguese Rei Ciro) and who do you think react all of the blue? Miss Siri thought I was talking to her (Rei Ciro➡Hey Siri) and started talking back to me...:rofl:

Someone here is a fan of The Social Dilemma?