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  • Certified Partner & Champion
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  • November 4, 2021

@Paulo - just to be clear, there is no person in the house named Alexa … (my 5 yr old knows what to do to use my espresso machine but my wife is too intimidated by it to make me coffee - she doesn’t drink the ‘vile beverage’ as she calls it). The problem with all the current Alexa-enabled coffee machines that i can find and afford, is that you still have to set them all up to do the work ahead of time. Why replace the timer with Alexa?? just sayin’ 

I am thankful that i have NO ‘connected’ appliances like that… not yet but it will be inevitable.. as for Alexa or Google turning on or off the lights, clapping is easier lol. We DO have a number of Alexa pucks around the house so that the wee beastie can ask for songs to be played when she wants to dance - the one the living room picked up someone saying ‘are you SERIOUS’ on a TV show and responded “how can i help?”. My one luxury is a Sonos speaker in my office/home gym that has Alexa hooked up to my Amazon music playlists. 

I hope that by the time i can justify buying a La Marzocco Linea Mini for home, it will come with more than just an app on the phone… 

cheers all

  • 304 replies
  • November 4, 2021

@john.desborough I know what you mean! I’ve seen people wasting hours to hook up Alexa to something that already has a similar function built in. lol

For the price of a La Marzocco Linea Mini a thought it would come with its own barista:joy:

Gabi Amaral
  • Ex–Typefomer
  • 1777 replies
  • November 4, 2021

Oooh @Liz! I really want to watch Kim's speech. I'll see if I can find it online! Enjoy web summit for me, I'm seeing so many stories about it and I'm like "I should be there as well!!". Well, I'm sure I'll have another opportunity!

@Paulo Hahahahaha Rei Ciro! I love that story! :joy: :joy::joy: Well, I don't think privacy is a thing if you have any social media profile, which is scary! @john.desborough I still don't feel prepared to use Alexa :joy: Also, I really enjoy making my own coffee, it's a good morning ritual I want to keep! :coffee:

  • Certified Partner & Champion
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  • November 4, 2021

@Paulo @Gabi Amaral - Alexa will never make my coffee.. unless she is a physical person in a coffee shop! 

Making coffee is a ‘meditational ritual’ for me.. and it is good meditate 4-5 times a day lol


  • Certified Partner
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  • November 4, 2021

Ohhhh is it the right time to start talking about Christmas markets, @Gabi Amaral ? Say no more :smile:  I love me some hot wine while surrounded by Christmas lights :christmas_tree:. It’s a cliche but to me, Vienna really is the mother of all the Christmas markets. Well actually no. Vienna is the grandmother, Prague is the mother :sweat_smile: Well and if you’re looking for something smaller, pretty authentic and super affordable, there are really lovely Christmas markets in Olomouc which is where I’m typing this from, haha. I was crossing the main square this morning and they are actually assembling the stalls already :star:

@Liz the cheesecake was so good that I managed to eat a half of it before I had the chance to take the picture :sweat_smile:  Anyway, WebSummit seems so much fun! Will there be an informative vlog about all the people you’ve met and things you’ve seen?

@Paulo that Siri story mage me chuckle. I’ve only managed to turn on my manager’s Alexa on a zoom call but that’s not half as funny :smile: But you’re right, it’s totally freaky that we’re being listened to all the time. And deliberately listened too. How crazy are people, right? 

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  • November 4, 2021
john.desborough wrote:

i wonder if the machines that DO connect to Alexa (yes there are several) would turn on if, during a zoom meeting/podcast someone was to yell out to Alexa to make coffee, if all the machines in hearing would actually start to make and spew coffee lol.. 


hmmm… @James - should we get one of these on the Typeform Tour Bus as a backup to the espresso machine?


@john.desborough  Only if we could reprogram it to accept orders through a typeform (or a videoask) instead. We could rig it up to this bad boy then each passenger gets their personalized brew instantly made:



  • Certified Partner & Champion
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  • November 4, 2021

@James - flat white?? what’s a bloke got to do to get a decent black coffee around here.. !!??


  • 304 replies
  • November 5, 2021

@Gabi Amaral Privacy? What is it? lol

@john.desborough Now all I’m thinking about is a Starbucks clerk named Alexa! Ha!

@Michaela It’s pretty scary when you start to really think about it. I was ok with advertising based on what I search on the web, but lately it happens even with some especific things that I bareluy mentioned in a conversation.:thinking:

Gabi Amaral
  • Ex–Typefomer
  • 1777 replies
  • November 5, 2021

@john.desborough well done, I couldn't expect less from you! Hehe :coffee:

​​​@Michaela Oh, I love Vienna and Prague, however, I'm trying to go to a city I've never been! So I'm thinking some cities in Germany such as Cologne and Dusseldorf, or maybe go to Luxembourg! Let's see what plans I come up with! Will make sure to post photos here!

@James I love that! Hahaha I got Latte (which is pretty accurate! I do love a Latte!) and it's pretty accurate except the neurotic part! :joy:

"You should drink a latte
Latte drinkers are calm and love to please people.

They can be neurotic and are often indecisive. So it’s good that you’ve taken this quiz really, so you don’t need to decide what you should drink."

 @Paulo Yes, I know...but in a parallel world, I like to think it still exists! Haha

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  • November 5, 2021

I am very delayed, but wow! I can’t believe mozzarella is common in Japan. Little did I know!

Also, @Michaela , I had cheesecake last night at a restaurant in Lisbon, and it made me think of you!

Speaking of food, I, of course, had to visit Ramiro today before I left and get my favorites. Here is one of the dishes!


@Gabi Amaral I was also wondering if the speeches would be viewable anywhere! There were so many good ones I didn’t get to see. If I hear about them streamed online, I’ll let you know! I’d hope Kim has a copy of his own, at least. :joy: I don’t know if I’ll have too much of anything to say on a vlog, @Michaela , since I spent a lot of this week in queues, but I’ll try to do a nice roundup of things learned!


@john.desborough how does your 5 year old already know what the word ‘vile’ means? Amazing ha!


Speaking of things learned this week, I learned some of our Typeformers have secretly been creeping in this community, so I’m tagging them here to say hello! 

@cate.anti @Melissa Sävlind @alfonso.cerrato @Kelvin @cesar @natali.nacinovic 

and of course, you all know @Jo-Shan :heart_eyes:

Hopefully they’ll say hello here and introduce themselves along with anything fun they ate or drank this week. If they try to say they ate nothing exciting, I’ll know it’s a lie because I was there for their dinners. :smirk::rofl::joy:

@john.desborough @Paulo Did you ever see the SNL Starbucks skit ha? 

Finally, they started setting up for Christmas in Lisbon today, which is entirely too early for me as an American because we at least wait until after Thanksgiving!


  • Certified Partner & Champion
  • 5262 replies
  • November 5, 2021

@Liz - the missus uses ‘vile’ .. Mikaela just makes a face when she tastes coffee BUT she loves mocha ice cream..

SNL skit - oh yeah

  • Typeform
  • 6 replies
  • November 5, 2021

Hello everyone!

@Liz the food at Ramiro seems delicious! 

I am Italian and a true food lover, tho, as some of you know, in my kitchen I like to experiment, and this sometimes result in very bad flavours (especially due to all the spices I liked to mix!)

I am still in Lisbon after 4 days of Web Summit, and I hope to have time this evening to go buy a Pastel de Balém!

Wish all a great weekend!


  • Typeform
  • 3 replies
  • November 5, 2021

Damn @Liz you caught me lurking :stuck_out_tongue:

Still in Lisbon, think tonight will be the night of the most interesting dinner, we’re hitting up a Sao Tomean spot! :man_dancing_tone3:

Excited! Was great to have met in person, looking forward to the next time, whenever that might be. PS join @cate.anti’s doc to share learnings and inspirations with the rest of us who were at the event :slight_smile:

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  • November 5, 2021

One thing you should both know about the community is that if you don’t share pics, we won’t believe it happened, so you’ll have to update us with food photos, @Kelvin and @cate.anti !

And yes! Share the doc, @cate.anti ! 

Would anyone else here be curious to see any of the notes from the Web Summit? ( @john.desborough @Paulo @belinda_long ?)

  • Socializer
  • 44 replies
  • November 5, 2021
Liz wrote:

One thing you should both know about the community is that if you don’t share pics, we won’t believe it happened, so you’ll have to update us with food photos, @Kelvin and @cate.anti !

And yes! Share the doc, @cate.anti ! 

Would anyone else here be curious to see any of the notes from the Web Summit? ( @john.desborough @Paulo @belinda_long ?)

Ooh, what web summit? 🤔 Missed that memo! 

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  • November 5, 2021

@belinda_long Ah! It’s this event! It’s a massive tech conference every year with really interesting speakers, many that don’t only work in tech, too.

  • Certified Partner & Champion
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  • November 5, 2021
Liz wrote:

One thing you should both know about the community is that if you don’t share pics, we won’t believe it happened, so you’ll have to update us with food photos, @Kelvin and @cate.anti !

And yes! Share the doc, @cate.anti ! 

Would anyone else here be curious to see any of the notes from the Web Summit? ( @john.desborough @Paulo @belinda_long ?)

Hell yeah for the notes please.. !!


  • Socializer
  • 44 replies
  • November 7, 2021
Gabi Amaral wrote:

@john.desborough well done, I couldn't expect less from you! Hehe :coffee:

​​​@Michaela Oh, I love Vienna and Prague, however, I'm trying to go to a city I've never been! So I'm thinking some cities in Germany such as Cologne and Dusseldorf, or maybe go to Luxembourg! Let's see what plans I come up with! Will make sure to post photos here!

@James I love that! Hahaha I got Latte (which is pretty accurate! I do love a Latte!) and it's pretty accurate except the neurotic part! :joy:

"You should drink a latte
Latte drinkers are calm and love to please people.

They can be neurotic and are often indecisive. So it’s good that you’ve taken this quiz really, so you don’t need to decide what you should drink."

 @Paulo Yes, I know...but in a parallel world, I like to think it still exists! Haha

Haha! I got latte too which is veryyy accurate on all fronts! I’m also a double latte kinda gal so the neuroticism gets taken up a notch once the caffeine hit kicks in 😆

  • 304 replies
  • November 7, 2021

@Liz The SNL Starbucks skit! I think that is why they created AI in the first place! Experience the pleasures of Starbucks inside your own home! Hahaha!

And yes please! I want to read the notes.:nerd:

Gabi Amaral
  • Ex–Typefomer
  • 1777 replies
  • November 8, 2021

Wooow, so many new typeformers in the house! Welcome guys!! Next time I'll make sure to go to Lisbon to meet you all! 

@Liz YES for the food and YES for the notes! I'm curious to watch some of the speeches, I have so many friends that attended and they were pretty happy with it! I'm glad you enjoyed your time in Lisbon too! 

​​​@belinda_long You would love to get to know more about Web Summit! Maybe you can come to Europe next year, we have a typeform meeting and then the summit! Would be pretty exciting! 

Catching up on the Community while I drink my coffee with my almond milk! :heart_eyes:

  • Community Team
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  • November 9, 2021

Hey @belinda_long congrats for you “Meaningful badge”, it’s one of my favourites :heart_eyes:


  • Certified Partner & Champion
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  • November 9, 2021

@belinda_long - well done!

  • Typeform
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  • November 9, 2021

In the end, no pics from the Sao Tome e Principe restaurant, the food wasn’t too exciting :pensive: 

We did go to a bar for drinks that was definitely quirky - Chinese Pavilion (Pavilhao Chines)!

Check this out - 


For the notes, we have to hit @cate.anti up!

  • Socializer
  • 44 replies
  • November 9, 2021
Kelvin wrote:

In the end, no pics from the Sao Tome e Principe restaurant, the food wasn’t too exciting :pensive: 

We did go to a bar for drinks that was definitely quirky - Chinese Pavilion (Pavilhao Chines)!

Check this out - 


For the notes, we have to hit @cate.anti up!

Ooh this looks gorgeous 😍 quirky bars are the best! 

  • Socializer
  • 44 replies
  • November 9, 2021
Gabi Amaral wrote:

Wooow, so many new typeformers in the house! Welcome guys!! Next time I'll make sure to go to Lisbon to meet you all! 

@Liz YES for the food and YES for the notes! I'm curious to watch some of the speeches, I have so many friends that attended and they were pretty happy with it! I'm glad you enjoyed your time in Lisbon too! 

​​​@belinda_long You would love to get to know more about Web Summit! Maybe you can come to Europe next year, we have a typeform meeting and then the summit! Would be pretty exciting! 

Catching up on the Community while I drink my coffee with my almond milk! :heart_eyes:

Would loveee any excuse to head back over to Europe – it’s been way too long! Is there a link you can drop me? I’ll pencil it in my calendar right now (yes, I’m serious haha) TIA! @Gabi Amaral