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Happy Monday, all!

Ages ago when we could work in the office, we used to hang around the Barception - Typeform’s take on a reception with exactly what it sounds like - a bar!

We’re bringing the Barception to all of you, and you can virtually visit it below: 



Think of this as your virtual meeting space where you can say hello in the morning and goodbye in the evening, talk about what you’ve got planned this weekend or what your favorite beverage of choice is, morning or night!


I’m currently drinking iced coffee today - what about you all?


here’s a link to the history of the soap and who makes it now.. been using it for 43 years now..


@john.desborough Ah, I couldn't find it! Come on, you say like you're 100 years old! Hahaha Of course your face looks like ir gets a fancy care! I still need to pay a visit to a dermatologist and try to find the best products to my skin!

@Paulo Maybe Des can ship some of these "The Ordinary" to you! I think I'll try Cosrx. Fow now, I guess a basic care would help me already! I notice that my skin got way worse after the pandemic, maybe for wearing a mask..not sure! 

What about you @Liz and @Michaela? Any skin care routine advices? 

what someone posted to my FB feed this morning.. just because i make a daily post about the blessed bean… 



@john.desborough Thank you for the pleasant reading! Shaving soap can’t get cooler than that. I agree with the Spanish proverb in the ad: Well lathered is half

@Gabi Amaral Definitely two years wearing a mask can take a toll in our skin, especially for oily skin people. I wish I had started taking care of my skin in my 20's as the japanese folks...:thinking:

@Paulo - there is something about using a brush to get the lather going and into the skin that goes far beyond that foamy stuff that feels like slime on my face lol… now if only i could get the hot towel treatment from the other voices in my head lol


Hahaha aaaah you should share your daily post about coffee over here as well!! @john.desborough :joy: How many cups did you have today?

@Paulo My skin is not super oily, it's a bit mixed I guess. But yes, I should start treating that! Wow, 20's? That's why Japanese have amazing skin. If I think about it, most of them barely have pimples! 

@Gabi Amaral - let’s see it’s just 8 am and i am about to walk through waist high snow drifts to take the wee beast to school, so only 2 cups so far… BUT i did finish the morning exercises and i shoveled 45 cm of snow of our sidewalk lol… so i would have had a 3rd by now but ….

@Gabi Amaral - i’ve been posting these sort of things for over 2 years (mon-fri) on FB… 

do you really want them here too lol.. 


@Paulo - there is something about using a brush to get the lather going and into the skin that goes far beyond that foamy stuff that feels like slime on my face lol… now if only i could get the hot towel treatment from the other voices in my head lol

I couldn't agree more! For me it's almost a ritual lol

Here’s what I shared on Instagram a while ago about shaving:



@Gabi Amaral In Japan keeping the skin as white as possible is almost a social obligation. So avoiding sun exposure and daily use of sunscreen is taught at home and schools. If I remember correctly, the subject of skin care is covered in Junior High in Health and Physical Education.
Should I share here some arm gloves japanese uses to avoid sun exposure?lol

Wow, that quite the exercise, @john.desborough! Hahaha If I were you, I'd probably choose between one of them. You know that to me, one of the best things of working from home is not having to go out in one of these cold days! 

@Paulo Hahaha love your IG post, super vintage! A skincare subject? :astonished: It's funny because in other places, being tanned is considered to be good..however, we do know the long-term effects of it! Yes yes, share them here! :grin:

Hey friends! :hugging: It’s so nice to come back here ever other day and see what everyone’s been up to. 

@Gabi Amaral my skincare routine is still in the making, I’ve been trying to figure out what works best for me for like 15 years :sweat_smile:  I know that I love charcoal skin products. I have also recently started to remove my makeup with coconut oil and whoa, works like a charm. 


Hope you’re all having a perfect Friday and have some wonderful plans lined up for the weekend! It’s my 31st birthday today. I’m celebrating it by self-isolating (damn you, covid!)  and wearing a crown :sweat_smile:  



@Michaela - happy birthday to you!!!!!


i hope that someone sends cupcakes and candles so that you can celebrate in style while isolating!


cheers and hoping for better day!



Hello, all! Sorry I haven’t been as active here. Last week when I mentioned we were getting oysters, I have discovered that it IS possible to get sick of oysters very fast, especially during a $1 per oyster happy hour. So, I haven’t wanted to look at oysters since, but I think I’m recovered now. 

Anywho, we went to Chop Shop in Chicago last week for oysters (shown below) and deviled eggs, which is also possible to eat too many of. 


@Gabi Amaral ooo skincare!! Don’t even get me started! My friend actually just told me about these masks that you can get in the pharmacies in Barcelona. I picked some up before leaving and I LOVE THEM!! They’re worth a try! Really inexpensive, too, and they have a few varieties. 

@Michaela HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I hope you have an amazing birthday, even if at home!

@Paulo they must have some good sunscreen over there, I’m guessing!


Hey guys!! Now, I'm in Rio de Janeiro and everything is great!

I'm alternating my beverages over here, @john.desborough. Coffee and coconut water!! Yesterday I went to the beach and of course had one of those.

I bet @Paulo misses these ones as well (and other fruits as well - most of them are way better here in Brazil than in Europe!) 

Wooow @Michaela, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY! Hope you had a nice one (Can't get over the fact you have such beautiful blue eyes!!). I'm sorry you were in lockdown for this date! Did you, at least, got a cake?? 

Thanks for the tip @Liz! When I go back to Barcelona I'll definitely give it a try! Great food you got over there. I'm a huge fan of seafood, however, not crazy for oysters! In fact, it's the only thing I don't love! The eggs look amazing!! How's everything up there in Chicago?

Haha thanks for the birthday & cupcake wishes @john.desborough 

I had neither cake nor cupcakes but I did have pizza :sweat_smile: I was kinda playing it by ear as you might guess based on the ‘6’ candle. It was a surprisingly great birthday, I have to say :slight_smile:  


@Gabi Amaral hahah thanks for the eye-compliment! Yep, they’re blue but they don’t see too well, haha. Gotta wear those contact lenses all the time. Anywaaaay, enjoy your beach time! Sounds absolutely magnificent :blush:


@Liz eating too many of anything is a bit of my motto haha & those deviled eggs look so yummy. Never had oysters, though. Only oyster mushroom. And Blue Oyster Cult. Now I’m just saying things that feature the word ‘oyster’ :sweat_smile:



This pizza looks incredible, @Michaela! I guess it has everything to do with your new year resolution of learning Italian! Brava, ragazza!

Yes, I will enjoy as much as I can. In March I intend to visit Amazon rainforest! Couldn't be more excited about it! :heart_eyes: You? What are you intending to do once the lockdown is over? 

@Michaela yes!!! I love the pizza for a birthday cake idea ha! That looks amazing. 

You’ll have to try oysters!

@Gabi Amaral is that a really small coconut? Or what is it? I can’t tell if it’s teeny because of the photo or if I’m just getting the proportion wrong. :rofl:

@Gabi Amaral Yes, unlike in other countries, tanning is not well regarded here (there are exceptions, of course). This page should give you an idea of how much we avoid the sun around here.:joy:

@Liz You are right! I don't know of any other country (maybe Korea) with so many

Hahahahaha :joy: The proportion is wrong, @Liz! It's just a regular coconut! The water in it was so cold...amazing to keep up with this summer! 

OMG ​​​​​@Paulo, it should be a bit scary seeing people walking around like that! :sweat_smile: Anyways, glad you're back! How are things for you in the new house and neighborhood? 

@Paulo My dream country ha! In the past when I’ve visited South American countries, it’s been very embarrassing trying to find sunscreen because I’m usually the only one in the whole country who needs it. :joy:

@Gabi Amaral OH! Haha! Regardless, it sounds wonderful!

Hehehehe it was wonderful, yes! @Liz 

I hope you guys had a nice weekend. What did you do? @john.desborough @Paulo @Michaela @belinda_long @Olgasolo 

My weekend was nice but I was not feeling very well yesterday. A bit of sore throat e had fever at night! 😕 Will have to take a covid test tomorrow! Hopefully, it's not covid!  

see?? coffee is a magic potion!


Hahahaha @john.desborough! Let's see if coffee makes me better! I have to say I've just drank some and I definitely feel more energized! I'll keep you posted on that! 

I'll take the covid test later today...getting a bit nervous with that, but let's see! How's the week going so far? @Liz and Des?
