Ages ago when we could work in the office, we used to hang around the Barception - Typeform’s take on a reception with exactly what it sounds like - a bar!
We’re bringing the Barception to all of you, and you can virtually visit it below:
Think of this as your virtual meeting space where you can say hello in the morning and goodbye in the evening, talk about what you’ve got planned this weekend or what your favorite beverage of choice is, morning or night!
I’m currently drinking iced coffee today - what about you all?
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@Gabi Amaral - any time i sit down to watch a ‘dad-show’, the little one site beside me on the sofa or in the comfy chair and says that she wants to watch one of her movies…..
she has me wrapped around her little finger
Fair enough, @john.desborough! @Paulo@belinda_long@Olgasolo@Michaela@Liz How was your first weekend of 2022? I'm having good feelings about this year! Have you worked out on your new year's resolutions? I'm still deciding, will share them here as soon as I have them!
@john.desborough awww!! Just think, when she’s a teen, she may want nothing to do with you, so cherish all the children’s movies HA!
@Gabi Amaral Good over here! I didn’t get COVID round 3 from NYE, so that was a great start to the new year. I’m still fully mapping out my first half of the year goals and working on them, but so far so good! How is the fitness coming over there? (Also, now I want a personal trainer!)
Hahaha, I guess @Liz is right, @john.desborough!
Oh yes, a lot of people I know who haven't got COVID last year, got it now! So I'm happy it's all good over here as well. However, I won't be able to get the 3rd dose before travelling to Brazil! Oh..I'm planning to exercise tomorrow, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday! I ate a lot of junk food in the last few days...feeling heavy! Are you still in France, Liz?
Ciao guys, long time no speakey! Hope everyone’s well, staying hydrated and getting enough sleep
My first weekend of 2022 was beautifully chill. I went for a handful of walks, went swimming, started and finished a book. Really lovely. It’s good that I got this slow start because things became super busy super quickly
You’re all so inspirational! Getting personal trainers and mapping your goals for a full half a year ahead. Genuinely impressive. I have a bunch of thins I’d like to focus on in 2022 but I’m tentative to call them ‘resolutions’. I would like to learn some Italian, I would like to read more, I would like to look into intermittent fasting. The overarching theme is to keep learning about my authentic self and staying connected with that self. Haha. how very deep, amirite?
Wishing you all a wonderful day!
Hi @Michaela I just started binging Season 6 of Queer Eye on Netflix and they are all about finding that authentic self ha!
Also, what book did you just finish?
@Gabi Amaral I feel you on the junk food...I definitely need to workout after the holidays!
Oooh @Michaela! Love your "goals"! If you need some help with Italian, let me know! We can have virtual coffees and only speak in Italian. Btw, this is one of my resolutions: become fluent in Italian! I've been watching a lot of series and movies in Italian because it's super helpful! I'm also planning on read some Elena's Ferrante books that I already read but now in Italian!
@Liz I got back on track this week! Yaay! Went to the gym today and will have some cycling classes! It's hard though...I keep wanting to eat junk food! Hahaha
Hello guys! This year I finally managed to do something I had been trying to do for years, being 2 weeks completely disconnected from work and almost 100% off the internet. It was, to say the least, liberating and invigorating!
Also, finished reading the Millennium Series from Stieg Larsson (the one that started with the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) and just started Will Smith’s biography.
@Gabi Amaral Getting in shape is also on my list this year. So far I've been consistent in the gym for the last 4 weeks!
@Liz Optical cable internet is available in most major cities, but it’s not all over Japan yet. In my old apartment the internet was unstable at times, so now I'm quite happy in the new place! :D
@Paulo - that is awesome sir.. i hope the battery is recharged and that your ladies put you to good use around the house.. lol.
glad to have you back!
Happy Monday everyone and coffee)
Hahah @Gabi Amaral you bet I need help with Italian (and how very very kind of you to offer to chat, thank you so much!). The thing is I am a total beginner so you would be super bored conversing with me
@Liz I literally started watching the new season of Queer Eye yesterday and she is a fierce one. I didn’t think I could be any more in love with JVN but it turns out that I certainly can
So happy to have you back, @Paulo! In fact, disconnecting can be invigorating! Oh, I really like Will Smith, let me know if you enjoy his biography! Well, 4 weeks is very good! How are you exercising? Any kind of specific workout?
One of my new year resolutions is to read, at least, one book per month. I'm almost done with one called "Brief: Make a Bigger Impact by Saying Less" (courtesy of @Gabriel!). Sometimes I talk a lot and it doesn't make a lot of sense! Hahahaha. So, it has been a great learning!
@Olgasolo Good morning! How was your weekend? Did you have a good time?
@Michaela Oh, I really don't mind! It's actually good for me! Let me know if you need recommendations of Italian tv shows and books!
@john.desborough Not a doubt about it! I spent my offline time doing all kind of DIY project around the house, more than I intended to...
@Gabi Amaral I was hoping for a book full of funny stories, but it turned out the book is really, really deep and I'm enjoying it so far.
I'm doing weight training for hypertrophy 4 times a week and some cardio to increase my basal metabolism. It's been a while since I've exercised, so I'm enjoying having more endorphins flowing through my brain.
Aaah, I love these DIY things! What have you done so far? @Paulo (And let me know when you finish the book!). That's a lot of exercising for someone who hasn't been training for a while. Congrats!! What about you, @john.desborough? Is there any physical exercise you've been doing/wanting to do lately?
@Gabi Amaral - lol.. on the exercise thing … sorry it almost made me snort my coffee through my nose.
exercise has been keeping what’s left of my sanity intact.
with my wife working from home and a large part of the last year and a half of kindergarten for the little one, it has been imperative to get in daily workouts to keep my sanity. I have a Bowflex machine in my office at home (the spare bedroom) and a bicycle on a trainer in another room in the basement.
Having both of those in the house and within easy access has let me get in a nice quiet bike ride in the morning before starting to make breakfast for the ladies and then i spend an hour on the machine (i have blocked out 4-5 pm every day for a workout) - this helps me make the break from ‘work’ and home lives.
i have been lucky enough that i have gone ‘the other way’ during the last two years and dropped about 10kg of “too much travel and poor eating”
I also drag the ladies outside every day for a walk, some sledding in winter, some snowshoeing etc.
my DIY project is to work on my humanity … and it is a work in progress..
@Gabi Amaral I just finished a shelf for the washroom, as my skin care products keeps multiplying as I age… I'm also creating a mini bar under the kitchen counter and a slatted panel for the TV set. Ah! And I installed my Roomba under the sofa, so no one sees it but when it's the schedule time, my tiny vacuum robot leave its cave to vacuum everywhere and return under the sofa. I'm pretty happy about this one!
@john.desborough I wish I had a Bowflex in my house! The 20 minutes drive in the rush hours to the gym is not pleasant at all...
@Paulo - the bowflex is the best fitness investment i have made. I agree on getting to the gym being a pain and i like to work out on my own.. not have to wait for someone else to get off the machine that is next in my rotation. at home i can be the curmudgeon!
I’m late to the party but @Michaela I finished the entire 6th season of Queer Eye over the weekend and you are SO right!! JVN is seriously the best (as well as the others). I wish I had another season to binge!
@Paulo how was the time disconnecting? I could only wish to do that! Did the family do it with you as well?
@Gabi Amaral do you have a goodreads list? If not, you should make one! I love following what other people are reading on there to inspire me to read something else.
@john.desborough I just got a knock off version of a bowflex because it was cheaper than me joining the only gym near me and you’re so right!! It’s well worth having one around. I never really liked cycling until I got it. I’m impressed that you do an hour every day!
@john.desborough I totally agree with you, waiting to use the machines is the worst. It messes up all the resting timing and intensity of the workout. I'd love to be the curmudgeon! lol
@Liz Disconnecting was awkward for the first few days, but I started to feel more relaxed each day. Unfortunately the girls had all kind of excuses to be connected (predictable ), but even they managed to reduce their overall screen time.
@john.desborough I'm also very impressed with your discipline to exercise every single day! Well done! I looooove cycling (indoors)! It's such a complete exercise!
@Paulo Oooh, where are the photos of your works of art? I love watching videos of diy people! Btw, now that I'm 30 I think I should start investing in skincare products as well! Any advices of how to start?
@Liz I don't, but you're right! I should definitely create one! I finished my first book of 2022 and pretty happy about it (new year's resolutions )!
@Olgasolo we're missing you over here! How's 2022 treating you so far?
@Gabi Amaral If you’re new to skin care and have no skin issues bothering you, I would suggest starting with the basics. Cleansing + moisturizer + sunscreen every morning. Cleansing + moisturizer every night. Exfoliate once a week and you should be good.
@Gabi Amaral@Paulo - there are a lot of great products out there in the regimen that Paulo outlined. My wife uses a very similar routine when she disappears from morning duties lol..
to give you an idea of something that is both skin care AND Typeform related, try this quiz out. This one where i did all the logic work behind the form for a client in the space.
(and oh the logic! 12 categories, 12 possible endings, send the user to the one with the highest score and includes a tie-breaker)
cheers and happy skin-game...
@Paulo You should definitely create a blog with video tutorials! Hahaha From diy things to skin care routine! Hahaha I have some friends that recommend a South Korean brand called Cosrx! That's it's not expensive and it's good! Do you have any specific brands you use?
@john.desborough Woow..I'd love to complete this quiz but everything is in Dutch! Hahaha What about you, Des? Do you have a skin care routine as well? Hahaha.
@Gabi Amaral - i think in the menu bar there is an option to flip the language to english…
as for me, my skin care routine is take sand paper and rub in on the face, splash some water on it and then maybe scrape it with a razor.
I am so old that i don’t have skin.. just leather.. lol
but occasionally the little one says my face is too scratchy so it gets scraped yet again … and i use an old-fashioned shaving soap cake that smells like medicine and has been around for 100 years…
(does this face of mine look like it gets fancy care?? lol)
@Gabi Amaral I wish I had the time to keep a blog! It would be a mess because I tend to like pretty random things!
As for skin care products, I'm a fan of Korean brands. From Korea, Cosrx and Jumiso are my choices for everyday basics, but but when it comes to active ingredients or acids I use a Canadian brand named The Ordinary.
@john.desborough The old-fashioned shaving soap cake that smells like medicine and has been around for 100 years is it by any chance from Proraso? That’s what I use to shave, and although there’s tons of shaving foam in the market I can't help but use a good old fashioned shaving