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Happy Monday, all!

Ages ago when we could work in the office, we used to hang around the Barception - Typeform’s take on a reception with exactly what it sounds like - a bar!

We’re bringing the Barception to all of you, and you can virtually visit it below: 



Think of this as your virtual meeting space where you can say hello in the morning and goodbye in the evening, talk about what you’ve got planned this weekend or what your favorite beverage of choice is, morning or night!


I’m currently drinking iced coffee today - what about you all?

@Grace Haha it would be if it wasn’t so loud! It’s quite fascinating in Chicago because the houses are built long, not wide, so I didn’t even think a house would fit there!

@john.desborough thank you for this! I can’t wait to make them! I move into the new place on the 13th, so you know once I’ve settled in, I’ll be cookin’ away!

@amanda_james yes! Tell us about your travels! We have a saying here that’s, “pics or it didn’t happen” so if you have any good travel pictures, please share!

doing my part, every day, to support coffee growers and typeformers everywhere.. 


Happy Friday All! :tada:

Anyone doing anything good this weekend? @Liz I’m guessing it’s going to be a lot of moving and packing for you?? 

@Grace basically already packed! I’m a professional packer, so I have nearly 10 or so old suitcases I don’t use anymore than I can easily pack things in. I thankfully don’t have a ton of items anyway. 

Any plans for you? 

How are you over there @Paulo @belinda_chicago ? 

@Grace @Liz @Gabriel - the snow has started falling here.. thankfully they are only calling for 2 -12 inches (up to 30cm) but the pic below shows the storm track that is moving our way

  • mushroom walnut black bean burgers tonight 
  • home made ramen noodles tomorrow 
  • and i am thinking about a massive plate of nachos, smothered in lots of veggies and some vegan chipotle cheddar sauce over top for sunday



@Liz I absolutely hate packing, do not envy you! I always leave it to the last minute and then can’t believe how much stuff I have :joy:

@john.desborough that sounds like a cracking weekend menu, did you stick to the plan? I went to a friends for lunch yesterday and she made us veggie burgers, fries and roasted asparagus and an apple crumble for dessert! 

Welcome back @Gabi Amaral !! We’re looking forward to seeing your holiday snaps :camera_with_flash:  and hearing about your trip! :sunglasses:  

Hello my friends!!! I'm back with a lot of lovely memories and ready to rock! The Amazon trip was spetacular! I saw a lot of animals in their natural habitat and learned a lot about different plants and trees! Also, I was without any signal or internet for four days and it was incredible. Here are some photos I took over there:
The first photo is in a place full of Victoria amazonica. There's a beautiful legend in Brazilian folklore behind it! The second one was right after we spent one night in the night - yes, I was with the Typeform hat! Hehehe. The last one is of a small alligator our tour guide got at night to explain its characteristics (Of course, he released it in the water after explaining it to us!). There are a lot of other photos I took, I just don't want to spoil you! Hehehehe. 

And how is everything over here? Did I miss anything? What are the news for you, @Liz @Grace @john.desborough @talon256 @the conservative @ValdemarQ

@Gabi Amaral - welcome back! that looks like an amazing trip!! great photos



@Grace Haha yes! That’s exactly how I’m feeling now! I don’t think I actually have more than the average person (because I donate a lot), but HOLY it feels like a lot. 

@Gabi Amaral Ah! The trip looks amazing and warm! What kind of places did you stay in? Or did you camp ha? 

Oh yes, @john.desborough! It was! And then I flew to the Northeast of Brazil for some beach time (including an ATV drive in the dunes! Hehe). 

@Liz Oh, it was basically a small house made by wood and then in one of the nights, we slept in a hammock in a camping spot. Pretty nice! 

@Michaela And how are you doing? How's your Community going? 

Howdy to all!

Shout-out to @Gabi Amaral for the invite to peek in this forum!

As a busy body running multiple experiments across my businesses, I will only be chiming in here occasionally, and most certainly when I need to share stuff Typeform/VideoAsk-related, lol.

May you all have a wonderful week, March, and rest of the year ahead. Remember to smile. Remember to be grateful for your blessings/uniqueness/awesomeness. And remember that you are valued.

If I can be of service or a resource for any of you, just give me a holler and I’ll see what I can do!

Be well, friends.

Hey guuuys! Wow, I have not set my foot to this thread for quite a while. So great to see all the familiar faces and to learn what everyone’s been up to :hugging: I’ve been caught up in the whirlwind that have been the past couple of months but I am slowly calming down and returning to a relaxed state, haha. 

@Gabi Amaral the community is coming along, thanks for asking! I have an amazing group of power users who are helping tremendously to bring value to the conversation. It’s truly wondrous to see the folks coming together and helping out one another. 

Welcome, @Darnell! Feel free to come here as often as you can! We all love a good chat and we also have a lot of brilliant minds here that will certainly help you with your adventures with Typeform and VideoAsk! :nerd: (Namely @john.desborough @Michaela @Paulo @Grace @Liz and others, of course!)

We also have @belinda_long who is INCREDIBLE! She has a business similar to yours, working with entrepreneurs (in her case, it's mostly solopreneurs). We even had a Workspace Invader's (series showcasing some incredible use cases) episode with her!  

@Michaela Happy you're back here, we (me, the team and the community) definitely missed you! Yaay, I knew you'd nailed it! Your community is lucky to have you. And how's you new year resolutions going? Hahaha. Have you started studying Italian? 

@Gabi Amaral most certainly and thanks for linking all the brilliant minds you mentioned! Looking forward to learning from their wisdom.

So happy to have you over here @Darnell we’re looking forward to hearing more about your adventures with Typeform and VideoAsk!

@Michaela sounds like you’ve had your hands full with the name change and the new community! Great to hear you’ve already got some power users  :raised_hands:  hope you get to have a little breather soon! 

@Gabi Amaral have you got any new pics to share from your travels?!

I'm sure you will, @Darnell! And they'll learn from you as well! That's why our Community has been so important to Typeform and VideoAsk, everyone can collaborate together, finding new ways of using our products! @James, our inspirational content leader, is also someone to pay attention to! If you ever see a post from him, it's probably an awesome content piece with great insights and ideas! Ah, and @talon256also has very nice ideas! :eyes::blue_heart:

I sure do, @Grace! I just didn't want to spam the conversation with my photos! Since you asked…

Can't get over Amazon, such a magical experience! 

@Grace happy to be here and thx so much to you and @Gabi Amaral for the warmest of welcomes!

It is rare to be embraced with such enthusiasm and sincerity. I can only hope to one day cultivate a community as magical as this one… and the Amazon, apparently.:wink:

Will def keep an eye out for content from @James and pls feel free to tag me whenever there’s something I should check out. Excited to get more out of TF and VA this year to really maximize audience research, lead qualification, and product/service guidance.

Good day, everyone!

You're welcome, @Darnell! We all try our best to make everyone feel at home. That's very important for us! Don't worry, whenever I see something I think it's useful to you or your wife, I'll tag you! :wink:  And you, don't forget to post your quizzes, videoasks, forms here as soon as they're ready! We'd love to take a look at them and give some feedback. 

Wishing you all an amazing weekend! I hope you can enjoy this one! :wink: I'll come back on Monday with some photos of mine! @john.desborough  @Liz @Grace @Darnell @Michaela @talon256 

I'm starting the week sending you some photos I took during the last days I was spending in Northeast of Brazil! Hope you enjoy it! :wink: This is in a state called Paraíba, in its capital, João Pessoa. 

And how was your weekend? Did you do anything interesting? @john.desborough @Michaela @talon256 @Paulo @Darnell 

Amazing photos @Gabi Amaral ! 

I started the week doing a beach clean with some of the Typeform and VideoAsk team! It was a very windy morning and incredible to see how much litter the storm had brought up to the shore, I think we collected around 30kg of litter in one hour :see_no_evil: 

A little bit of spring cleaning for our beaches, every little bit counts I’m sure!


@Gabi Amaral dope photos! And what a humanitarian thing to do, @Grace!

I spent the weekend cleaning our home and getting caught up some reading.

Good night (Barcelona time) folks. Time to shut the curtains and go to sleep here in Europe. See ya tomorrow. 

@Darnell it’s definitely that time of year to do some spring cleaning, although it doesn’t feel like it right now in Barcelona with all the rain and wind we’ve been having! 

Wow @Grace, that's amazing, congrats! It's also a good way to get to know some of our coworkers. I'm back in Rio de Janeiro now but returned with a bag full of sweet memories! 😍

@Darnell What have you been reading lately? One of my new year resolutions was to read at leat one book per's working! Hehehe. 

@Grace - when you are done on that beach, i could use some help here in Ottawa (my backyard and along the river’s edge near us )… seriously though, that is a wonderful initiative… cheers

