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Summer is here! And so is another month passed in the community. As I write these, we’re a few members shy from reaching 25,000, so pat yourselves all on the back for being part of this corner of the internet! You all make our jobs so fun, and we’ve loved seeing the forms you’re creating. 

On that note, let’s dive into the numbers and see what else happened last month. 


📈 Since May, we’ve had 859 new members join, bringing us to a total of 24,708 users. 128 of you were VideoAsk users - yay!


🗣️   209 conversations were started, handing out 898 likes along with it. 


👀   102,112 visitors stopped by the community and 48,649 of those were unique views. 


✅  79.06% of questions were answered - yay for answers!


Here are some of the highlights from last month: 


@andrew_videoask  from VideoAsk and @Grace  kicked off their first episode of VideoAsk Academy to help you learn what VideoAsk is and how you can use it in your business. Watch the replay here


@dokuniev  made a surprise appearance and dropped a lovely surprise on us - the announcement of an upcoming product, Formless! Sign up to get notified of its launch here


@Dan Barker  from product shared upcoming new AI features to look forward to. Thanks, Dan!


@Dan Barker  also joined us on our first Typeform webinar of the year where Alex and I shared how to create a lead gen solution in 30 minutes along with a quick demo of all the new features we released last quarter. @James  and @Grace  cheered you all on behind the scenes and answered many of your questions. You can watch the replay here


We had to wish a few integrations and our Chat UI goodbye, but we’re looking forward to all the new features this makes space for. 


Speaking of @James  and @Grace , I had the chance to see them in-person for the first time since 2022 in Barcelona! We shared a little bit about all of you in the community while spending some quality time together. 

We also saw a few others, too, like @mathio , @Dan Barker @dokuniev @Karine @cate.anti @ryan.terry and @Lasse to name a few. 


Get a rundown of all the features Typeform released last month here, and find out what's new in VideoAsk here.


In between all the chaos of May, Grace shared how to run a competition with a VideoAsk. 


Show us your fancy forms in this thread and see what your fellow Typeformers and VideoAskers are building. 


@James  revamped the Music to make typeforms to, and you can grab the playlist on the right-hand side of the community homepage!


Visiting everyone in Spain meant that half of my checked bag was filled with candy for @James ’s son (...we all might have eaten a few, too). If you’re curious how much candy his son ate, you can see the damage here


We also saw our beloved @Gabolino  for the first time since he wished us sayonara (or at least my first time). He showed up late to meet us, so he did not get any candy. 


Shout out to @john.desborough  @Grace  @mathio @Dan Barker  @Karine  @Gabolino  @andrew_videoask  @darnell   for making this a great month. See you all next month!


And kudos to you @Liz, definitely a superstar around this community! ✨⭐️

Wowsers another busy month! And great to see some new faces around the community too! 

Thanks for putting this together @Liz, and @cate.anti is totally right, you are a superstar! 💫

It was truly quite the May @Liz - thanks for documenting it all so well, my memory banks appreciate the refresher!

It was definitely a busy month!
