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Tell us about your use case!

  • 26 January 2022
  • 84 replies
Tell us about your use case!

Hello Community! :wave_tone2:

In order to help you as much as possible, we'd love to understand how you use our products. The more information we have, the more useful the community can be! 

This is also a good way to introduce yourself to the community and connect with other folks building similar workflows to you. :wink:

That's why I have a few questions for you today!

  • What product do you use, Typeform or VideoAsk?
  • What’s your use case?
  • What’s your favorite thing about using Typeform and/or VideoAsk? 
  • What feature would you love to have that we don’t support at the moment?

Feel free to reply on this thread, can't wait to hear your answers! :blue_heart:

Hi all! Figured I would drop in my use case here. :grinning:

I started using Videoask for my side gig to get more information about the clients (they’re engaged couples) before I had my first meeting with them. At first, people thought the videos were weird, but after filling them out, they really liked the format! It’s also handy for me because I have a better understanding of things through video rather than written text (since most people are bad at describing themselves through text). 

Don’t judge my videos - I need to re-record them!



Great set of videos, @Liz - i did the quiz and left you some answers.. hopefully you have a giggle over them and find them fun and inline with your questions lol.. I think this is a great ide and really good.. 

great job!!



Love this @Liz ! Great way to learn more about your couples and in turn they get to know you a bit too, I’m sure it helps to break the ice in those first interactions! 

@john.desborough I got the response, but the audio didn’t work. :sob::sob: But the little angel photo came through!!

@john.desborough I got the response, but the audio didn’t work. :sob::sob: But the little angel photo came through!!

grr.. on the audio.. seemed to work fine at this end .. i will have to try and think of what i said (again lol) and do it all again lol.. not sure if you can send me the link to my response so that i can try to lip read my answers (you know me.. the 7 other voices in my head took over and were giving you some of the random thoughts they had lol

Hahahah I can send it to you, @john.desborough ! Have you used Videoask for anything yet? I’m always curious what others are using it for so I can see how to improve!

@Liz - just starting to toy around with it.. gotta clear the deck of some of the client typeform projects first lol.. but i have a bunch on the books to create.. i will do something up next weekend as a sample.. 



Thanks to @Gabi Amaral for recommending I post here. Just copy/pasting from our DMs.

I work for a full-service podcast agency for business authors. We manage everything except for being the host! That includes setting up platforms that enable guests to book interviews with our clients (the show hosts). 

We use Calendly to book guests for our client's podcast shows. When the Calendly App was launched we moved guest information collection from the Calendly native questions into Typeform (booking still handled via the new Calendly App). These responses are passed from Typeform through Zapier into custom documents in our cloud server. 

We also use Typeform for setting up client onboarding, which (via Zapier) is integrated into Freshbooks, Asana, Zoom, Calendly, and custom docs in Google Drive. 

Unfortunately, this integration is currently ‘broken’ for us, but some quick fixes would get it to 100% in a snap! I’ve posted previously on those problems and feature requests, so I’ll link those here!

I’m new to Typeform, but looking forward to spending more time here.

Oh, this is cool @talon256 ! What cloud server do you use for docs? Google Drive or something else? 

@Liz, Google Drive! It’s integrated powerfully to allow us a great deal of autonomous control. They’ve really leveraged the power of their Zapier integrations.

Ah wow, I had no idea. Are the docs created in Google Drive? Or another app, @talon256 ?

Hey @Gabi Amaral - posting my use case here as requested!

I realise it isn’t currently possible to edit an existing Airtable integration but I’d 💜  to see this developed…

Why so?
At the moment, we’re using a very lengthy Typeform to capture about 30 questions for a client onboarding information questionnaire. There are a bunch of calculations in the logic section using variables and then everything is pushed to Airtable via an integration.

It works really well but… the questions are evolving as we expand the scenarios and scope to different client classes so this is unlikely to be stable - maybe ever. Every time we add another attribute we need to map it back to Airtable and to do that, we have to delete the existing integration first.

Currently there are over 40 variables to be mapped - that’s a very boring and tedious job. If one doesn’t map because perhaps a multiple choice defined option string doesn’t match 100% between Typeform and Airtable, the mapping fails and we have to start all over again. 

So we’d love to have the ability to edit an existing Airtable integration and add another field or delete one and remap etc?

It looks like you’re working through third party integrations and adding these features. It might be useful to publish a list and allow people to flag their interest. I’m guessing being able to edit any integration once created would be really useful.

@robhale - like your use case! one question - are you using 1 big typeform or could it be broken into smaller typeforms that are ‘interconnected’ by redirection on completion? 

I would think that if you broke it down into smaller bits, each one pushing to Airtable after say 5 questions, that would reduce having to remap everything down to just the bits on one of the sub-forms. 

Not sure if that would work for you, but it is something I am doing for a client into Google Sheets and to their crm- they have 3-5 distinct sets of questions they want to ask but each set will change over time (three times already!) and it makes it easier to re-map .. for them. 

I know that doesn’t address the ‘edit the integration’ bits but maybe the API approach to ‘build your own’ would get part way there. 

 I am short two coffees today.. maybe that’s why i am rambling.. 



Hey @john.desborough thanks for the quick response 👍

I like the thinking but I guess that would involve creating multiple rows in Airtable because (unless I’m missing something) there’s no “update row” integration feature?

That then makes life harder on the Airtable side to concatenate fields from multiple rows to get a single overall client picture. It does also make notifications a bit more involved because we need to wait for all the pieces before taking further action - updating internal systems and pushing back a summary to the client…

I’ve checked out other integration products that could help here like Zapier, and that would be possible, but it means more moving parts and more things to potentially break...

It’s possible, but not ideal.

However, I do like the technique of pushing along the way because that effectively provides a ‘save and continue’ feature so all is not lost if something goes wrong half-way through. Definitely food for thought there...

@robhale Happy Monday!! What are all the calculations for? (Just curious!)

@kabir.mathur do you know if we’re working on the integration to allow editing an existing connection? 

Ah wow, I had no idea. Are the docs created in Google Drive? Or another app, @talon256 ?

Zapier (the land of endless possibility) has a ‘create document’ ability

@robhale Happy Monday!! What are all the calculations for? (Just curious!)

@kabir.mathur do you know if we’re working on the integration to allow editing an existing connection? 

Hey @Liz - calculations are a bit proprietary - based on the A, B, C, D, E multiple choice response we allocate a score and a weighting. Unfortunately I couldn’t hide the “A,B,C...” in the displayed choices otherwise I could have substituted with a number. That’s another request for another day!
So once we identify the position using logic rules stuff, we then do some calcs and add to a running total variable. There are different running totals for different sections of the form. Then when we’re all done, we map those to a field in Airtable…. It actually works really well!

@talon256 I had no idea! Can’t believe I never noticed that. Thanks!!

@robhale Oh wow, that’s really fancy! I love Airtable way too much, so I love finding new reasons to use it. :grinning: Good to know the calculations are moving over there for you easily!

Just replied to your intro video @Gabi Amaral with a video of my own! Hope the feedback is helpful.


Thanks for sharing, @Darnell:heart_eyes:

So, Typeform for research and feedback survey and Videoask for lead generation. By the way, I already have an advice to give you regarding lead generation. We launched a series of webinars to help our customers with that! The first one was with Rand Fishkin on how to target and attract the right leads. @James from our Community team created this post with the recording! Hope it's useful to you! :wink:

Don't forget to share your website as well, we'd love to take a look at your online courses and how your forms and videos look over there! Last but not least, are you using any of our app integrations? 

@Darnell - great use case and great use of VideoAsk (and Typeform) .. welcome to the community and looking forward to seeing more of your creativity showcased in here.. 



@Gabi Amaral happy to share that.:hugging:

Oh, I actually watched that exact webinar a few weeks ago! I heard about it from your newsletter and registered at that time. (And sorry, I meant to convey that I use VideoAsk for lead qualification, not lead gen.)

I’m gonna revise my current lead qualifier to be a little more comprehensive so that it’s more precise and in alignment with where my biz is today. I first need to start with writing down a baseline script that asks questions from the perspective of the website visitor and then recording/saving those videos to my camera roll - vs the original way I did it.

Anyway, ok, so my website is at The lead qualifier is present on the landing page. My courses are at and my forms are present at the end of each of my courses.

Yes, I’m using the Google Sheets and Calendly app integrations thus far. Will likely use the MailerLite one next! 

@Darnell this is awesome, thanks for sharing your use case and for sharing your learnings and how you’re going to revise your lead qualifier :rocket:

Love the way you’ve embedded your videoask on the homepage, instantly drawn to it!

@john.desborough thanks so much for the warm welcome! Two final things to share with you and @Gabi Amaral :

  1. Out of the 100 LI connections I asked directly to fill out of one my Typeform surveys, I got 33 of them to view it and 21 of them to start filing it out. Of those 21, 18 got to the end, yielding an 85.7% conversion rate. This was a market research survey FWIW.
  2. I put my wife onto VideoAsk b/c I thought it would be super for our skincare line. It took her a while to commit, but ironically once she did, she went all in and created an even more comprehensive one than I did for my Bulletproof Hustle business, haha! She created a script and I told her about conditional logic. She recorded all the videos and I set everything up on the backend, and then embedded the widget into the landing page at In this scenario, we use it to inform and guide website visitors with specific skin concerns towards certain articles and/or products on our site. It was designed to be like a basic skincare consultation and I think we achieved what we set out to do for people.

Anyway, hope both of those insights help with how I’m using these 2 products.

@Grace yes of course and you’re very welcome! I set that one up on the fly and while using the app to do it. No script or nothing. And then I forgot to return to it to make a better one since that was only meant to be a temp version, lol. But this is certainly high on my to-do list now since I’m getting more traffic!
