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Happy Monday, all!

Ages ago when we could work in the office, we used to hang around the Barception - Typeform’s take on a reception with exactly what it sounds like - a bar!

We’re bringing the Barception to all of you, and you can virtually visit it below: 



Think of this as your virtual meeting space where you can say hello in the morning and goodbye in the evening, talk about what you’ve got planned this weekend or what your favorite beverage of choice is, morning or night!


I’m currently drinking iced coffee today - what about you all?

994 replies

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@Paulo - you have the van! yay.. a little spray paint and we could have the Typeform logo on there.. 

or we could go bigger with a variation of the old Partridge Family bus (an old US tv series) 


i will bring the espresso machine for the ride.. and we can do comparisons of beans across Europe


like i said, not a cool as @paul 

@john.desborough It sounds like a plan to me: review tipples and coffee beans from across Europe!:laughing:

Hat’s looking good on you!

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@john.desborough loving the look! I’m also jealous of your backpack ha!

I’m all for roadtripping around! We can have Typeform meetups!! @Gabriel , we will definitely need ponchos for this though. 


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Did someone say "caipirinhas"? My sister is an expert at making them! I'll ask for the recipe and practice in Barcelona! Do you know how to make a good one, @Paulo? By the way, we want a photo of your Typeform love as well!

Deeees, I'm jealous of the music box and the backpack as well! Hahaha @john.desborough! Happy that you enjoyed the hat as well. 

Count me in for the road trip! I can even teach you some samba and bachata moves along the way!

How was the weekend, guys?

@Gabi Amaral I can make a reasonably good caipirinha, although I'm more of a dry martini guy. :)

I'll post my Typeform love as soon as I get it, but being in Japan, it takes a little longer to receive the package.:joy:

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Hahaha reasonably good works! To me, it depends on the weather. When it's cold, I wouldn't order a caipirinha!

That's true, @Paulo! Japan is very far! So you got an unintended spoiler from @john.desborough! Hahaha I hope you're excited to get it! 

Today I got back to my routine in Barcelona and I'm pretty excited about it. On Friday I'll get the visit of three friends to celebrate my birthday on Sunday! Looking forward to it… :eyes:

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You know the drill, @Paulo  - pics or it didn’t happen! Both for the martini and the Typeform swag!

@Gabi Amaral After seeing what @john.desborough received, I was even more excited!

@Liz For some strange reason I knew in the back of my mind that you would say something along this line!:joy:

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Hahaha that means I'll have to post a photo with a Caipirinha as well, @Liz? Or it never happened! :joy:

I'm still trying to find good cachaças here in Barcelona, when I do, I'll gladly make a caipirinha and post a photo here. 

I'm happy @john.desborough's photo made you even more excited. I'm excited to get some of these gifts as well! Especially the music box and the backpack. @Michaela, @Kosta and @aftab, did you get your Typeform love as well? How was it? Don't forget to post some photos of it over here! 


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Hahaha that means I'll have to post a photo with a Caipirinha as well, @Liz? Or it never happened! :joy:

I'm still trying to find good cachaças here in Barcelona, when I do, I'll gladly make a caipirinha and post a photo here. 

I'm happy @john.desborough's photo made you even more excited. I'm excited to get some of these gifts as well! Especially the music box and the backpack. @Michaela@Kosta and @aftab, did you get your Typeform love as well? How was it? Don't forget to post some photos of it over here! 


Hello Gabi, 


I really loved the gift.


I thought it was a superb gesture and has increased my love for Typeform even more. 


My wife asked...”who’s sent you such a gift?”


My girlfriend from Spain. 


And the hat is fantastic as well. 


Thank you all very much. 

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@aftab - well done.. i told my wife the same.. that was when the dinner roll flew across the table at me lol.. my 5 yr old laughed


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Yes, @Paulo , your instincts were right hahahah! :joy::joy:

:joy:  @aftab !!! 


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Guys guys guuuys!! I’m rushing in with my thanks for the prezzies! I was so excited when picking up the package and I love everything that’s in it. I was totally in need of a backpack, there are never enough speakers in my home and I’ve been secretly in love with the hat ever since I first saw it on @Gabi Amaral.

Thank you so so SO much, I cannot begin to describe how much I appreciate this :pray:

You guys are awesome :heart:

And here’s the hat + my head + my plants 




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That cap looks pretty good on you @Michaela . :wink:

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Yes!!! Love the pic, @Michaela !! What a great hat! :heart_eyes:

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@aftab  I guess your wife has to admit that your 'Spanish girlfriend' is very cool for sending you these gifts! :joy:

@john.desborough I'm sure if you give her the hat or the music box, she'll be loving your 'Spanish girlfriend' as much as you do! Hahaha. 

Wow @Michaela, the hat looks great! And I couldn't ignore the fact that your eyes are so beautiful! I'm very glad you liked the gift. We should give back the love we get from you, guys! :blue_heart: (I still need to find a way to get a music box to myself, I don't have one! Haha) 

Userlevel 3
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@aftab  I guess your wife has to admit that your 'Spanish girlfriend' is very cool for sending you these gifts! :joy:

Sorry Gabi...but I don’t share this part of my wealth...even with my wife :grinning:


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Hey guys! I was wondering how was the weekend! Here in Barcelona it was cloudy and now that it's Monday, it's super sunny and a bit warm! Hehehehe. :sunny:

Tomorrow we celebrate the National Day of Spain! In your opinion, what are the top things Spain is famous for in the world? I'm thinking tapas, paella and flamenco! Hehehehe @john.desborough @Paulo @belinda_long @Michaela @Kosta 

Curiously, October 12th is also a holiday in Brazil. We celebrate "Our Lady of the Apparition", which is the most important saint over there, also a national holiday. While I'm thinking about holidays, I'm drinking my caffe latte and hoping to hear from you all! 

Cheers! :coffee:

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@Gabi Amaral - today is a holiday in Canada, our Thanksgiving weekend. overcast and not the best of weather BUT the leaves are in full colour change and it is beautiful nonetheless. 

And I agree on the flamenco… i would add rioja, jamón ibérico, and ‘tilting at windmills’.. and the Caminio de Santiago .. and paella is a dish we all love here in the igloo!

enjoy everyone!

Userlevel 4
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Hi Typeform team,

I wanted to say a great big THANK YOU for your awesome gifts, they’re all very much appreciated :heart_eyes:

I really appreciate the support, care and attention that you all generously give everyday.

@Gabi Amaral @Liz @Melissa Sävlind much love to you ladies :)



Thank you guys! It finally made it around the globe to Japan!! :sunglasses:



When I think about Spain, I also remember abaout ‘tilting at windmills’, @john.desborough!:horse_racing:

And the siesta...

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​​​​@john.desborough! Yes, I remember that Canadian Thanksgiving is in October! I had a great time when I was there celebrating this holiday! :flag_ca: I miss how the seasons are well defined in Canada! 

I'm loving to see all of your pics with the Typeform love! :blue_heart: @Paulo and @Kosta Thank you guys for being so active on this Community! We love that you're here! I see a guitar on your photo, @Paulo! Do you know how to play or is it just part of the decoration? Hehehehe.  

Oh yes, siesta! One of my favorites! :sunglasses:

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Omg I love how the Typeform hat looks amazing on literally everybody. Great job to anyone who designed it :thumbsup: :hugging:

It is just so perfect that we get to learn about everyone’s national holidays here! Gives me tons of new stuff to read about on Wikipedia, hahah. We have the Independent Czechoslovak State Day in two weeks so I’m also pumping up my festive spirit for that :tada:

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Hahahaha yes, @Michaela ! I'll gather all of our photos with the hat and will work on some Photoshop magic to put us together! It's missing some photos though ( @Gabriel @James @Liz and @Kosta:cowboy:

How do you guys celebrate the Independent Czechoslovak State Day, Michaela?

Our next holiday is going to be on November 1st when we celebrate the All Saints Day (Todos los Santos)! In Mexico and Brazil, they call it "Dia de los Muertos" and is celebrated on November 2nd. In fact, there's a Disney movie that I love called "Coco" that talks about that! I know it's for children, but it's a beautiful story! 


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@Gabi Amaral - LOL. Funny you mention Coco.. my wee one has been watching that one for the past 2 weeks…. almost every night.. it IS a good story. 

