
Get the Typeform invoice attached to an email or via the API

  • 20 October 2022
  • 9 replies

Userlevel 2


is there any way to get the Typeform invoice attached to an email? Or if not, is it possible to get it through the API?

I would really like to give my bookkeeper the possibility to download the Typeform invoice by herself. Currently only I am able to do that, which is really annoying. I know I can add her as a member, but this would give her access to other things as well. She should only be able to download invoices..

So is there any way to get the invoice, other then login in as an admin?


Thank you!

Kind regards,



Best answer by Liz 20 October 2022, 16:23

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9 replies

Userlevel 7
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Hi @Philipp We don’t currently email invoices, so I’m afraid you will need to log in each time you need to obtain the invoice from Typeform. Though, I can share this feedback with the billing team. 

Userlevel 2

Hi Liz,


that would be great.. Typeform is the only app I use, in which I have to login to get the invoices. Every other tool either can send it via email or I can get it through the API. 

As Typeform (with Make) helps me to automate my lead generation, it would be great if this would apply to bookkeeping as well ;-)

Thank you!

Userlevel 7
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Hi @Philipp Yeah, I completely get that! Hopefully we start emailing out invoices to make it a little easier. 😀

Hi @Philipp Yeah, I completely get that! Hopefully we start emailing out invoices to make it a little easier. 😀

Any news on this feature? Would help immensely (to just enter which email address that should receive the invoices automatically every month).

Userlevel 7
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Hi @SurveyStuff We don’t have this in the roadmap, but if that changes, I’ll post so here. 

Yes! Please add this feature, it’s something I dread doing monthly!

Olá. Tivemos algum retorno por aqui? 


Hello. Have we had any feedback here?

Preciso dessa função. Vocês desenvolveram?


I need this function. Did you develop?
Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @Key Design I’m afraid not, but if we do, I’ll post an update here!
