
Always getting "access_denied" error in access token api /oauth/token even if all credentials are correct


I'm encountering an issue generating access and refresh tokens via the API. Despite double-checking all keys and credentials, I consistently receive the following error.



    "error": "access_denied",

    "error_description": "Unauthorized"



Can anyone offer assistance? Thank you in advance.




7 replies

Here's a Node.js server error insight.



Userlevel 7
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Hey @radhe thanks for stopping by the community, just wanted to check is this for the VideoAsk API?

Hello @Grace, thanks for asking, Yes, it’s for a VideoAsk API and here’s URL:

Userlevel 7
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Thanks for confirming @radhe let me take this to the experts and find out what the issue is here

Hi @Grace, any updates on this?

Userlevel 7
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Hi @radhe sorry for the delay, let me chase them up now and see if they’ve got to the bottom of the issue!

Userlevel 7
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Hi @radhe our developers have asked for some more information from you:

  • Requests done

  • Order of request

  • Parameters used

Would you be able to share these?
