Print Paper Copy of Survey | Community
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Print Paper Copy of Survey

I’ve created an online survey but would also like to print in in word or pdf to be able to provide to individuals without cell phones, internet, etc. How can I print the actual survey (not results) OR do I have to recreate myself?


March 23, 2021

Hi @AnnieB thanks for stopping by! We don’t currently have a way to print the form, but your use case sounds really interesting. Out of curiosity, are you sharing the form with people in person? Or any more information you don’t mind providing would be great for me to share with the product team!

Community Team
  • Tech Community Advocate
  • March 23, 2021

Hi @AnnieB thanks for stopping by! We don’t currently have a way to print the form, but your use case sounds really interesting. Out of curiosity, are you sharing the form with people in person? Or any more information you don’t mind providing would be great for me to share with the product team!

  • Explorer
  • March 23, 2021

Hi, Liz. We intend to share the survey link with our stakeholders, members of the community, etc. via social media, press releases in local newspapers, email chains, and so on. It will also be embedded on our website. We even intend to stand in line for commodity food days at our local food shelters to ask people to complete the survey where we do it for them on an iPad and they just tell us their answers from their cars while they’re waiting. We are doing a public transportation survey in a rural area in Missouri. Therefore, not everyone pays for, can afford, or even has access to the internet. We need to be able to also provide paper copies of the survey that they can fill out and turn in at city halls, etc. I’ve started copy/pasting and recreating the survey in Word, so we will have something to distribute. Thanks for the response.


Community Team
  • Tech Community Advocate
  • March 24, 2021

Hi @AnnieB Got it - thank you so much for sharing! It makes complete sense then as to why you’d need the option to print the survey. I’ll share this with our product team, and if you have any other feedback, please send it over!

  • Navigating the Land
  • April 14, 2021

Hi @Liz ! Thanks! That would be great. I was just looking to do the same - even if one is not planning to distribute pen-and-paper forms it is usually important to have a pdf or printout of the survey for documentation. I was hoping to do a printout to have a better overview of all the questions than when looking at the screen. Would be very useful indeed. 

Community Team
  • Tech Community Advocate
  • April 14, 2021

I understand that, @Pedro G. Every now and then, I prefer to print things out to go over them because staring at the computer all day really hurts the eyes!

  • April 15, 2021

I would like to share planned typeforms with colleagues. Is there a way to print the list of questions , so I can show these on a document - eg PDF - not a form ?

Community Team
  • Tech Community Advocate
  • April 15, 2021

Hi @BenB I added your question to this thread where we have the answer. :grinning: Let us know if you have any other questions!

  • Explorer
  • May 11, 2021

Hello, I also need to print my questionnaire (without the answers). Do you now have the solution to do so?

Community Team
  • Tech Community Advocate
  • May 11, 2021

Hi @celine I’m afraid we don’t have an out-of-box solution for this, but the best workaround I can think of would be to Ctrl + P on the builder page. It’s not the best solution, but it’s something!

I have the same need but for another reason. A need to translate a dozen typeforms to two other languages and the translator is asking for a pdf or word version to make a quotation of her services.

Liz wrote:

Hi @celine I’m afraid we don’t have an out-of-box solution for this, but the best workaround I can think of would be to Ctrl + P on the builder page. It’s not the best solution, but it’s something!

This solution is impractical. Would have to print each question at a time. Is there a way to count words or characters in a whole typeform?


@Jaime Wagner - this comes from another user. 

the fastest way to get a full print out of the survey (and some sample answers too) is to create a notification email, indicating you want all answers, to yourself and take the survey through to submission. this will send you an email with all the questions that have answers

if you have different logic paths a user could take based on logic jumps, you would have to follow those paths to get all the details. 

this will at least give you content that you can cut and paste from the email into a Word doc. 

Best practices, from many of the survey creation programs, tell us that we should have created the questions off line in word, excel or something similar, so that we have this record ahead of time. (i am currently having a form translated into 25+ languages, so i understand your pain...)



Tks @john.desborough , in the hurry I managed another (and longer🤪) way around. Used the integration with Excel and copied the 1st row.

  • Navigating the Land
  • September 6, 2021

We are also looking to print-out our typeforms physically for our customers who have no access to internet. We were expecting that this would be part of the available features.

  • Navigating the Land
  • September 6, 2021

Printing out the questions do not allow the prefilled options to show in printable hand-out format

  • Navigating the Land
  • September 9, 2021

Hi dear community, 

I would need a pdf version of my unfilled survey to add in the appendix of my Master thesis. Does anyone know a trick to generate the pdf or word document of my survey ? 


I’ll just add my upvote to this functionality @Liz 

Having a PDF of your questions allows people who might have an opinion - but who don’t need access to the actual platform to help modify and edit and make suggestions.

Any workaround is simply a pain. “Export questions” is something to consider.



  • Navigating the Land
  • November 12, 2021

Hi there, adding my +1 here, though wanted to put forward the use-case wherein I must get ethics board approval for the survey and so attaching a TypeForm printout to that PDF application would be immensely helpful. I understand that best practices say I should write out my survey in a text document (etc.) before I put it into TypeForm. And I did that. But I’ve since made some small modifications here and there and, frankly, don’t remember where they are!



Community Team
  • Tech Community Advocate
  • November 12, 2021

Hi @Gabi_S Thanks for stopping by and sharing your feedback! Do you happen to have an account with additional members? If so, we’re working on rolling out a tool that would let you collaborate with others within the Typeform so you can leave notes/comments/etc. Would that be a workaround for printing out the form? :grinning:

  • Navigating the Land
  • November 12, 2021

Unfortunately, no, @Liz :( The ethics approval requires attaching the survey to the application, so I ended up just going through and printing each individual screen from the survey and attaching that as a PDF.

Community Team
  • Tech Community Advocate
  • November 15, 2021

Ah, I see, @Gabi_S . Thanks for clarifying - that makes sense then why you’d need to print it. I’ll share this with our product team, and if you have any other questions/suggestions, please let us know!

  • Navigating the Land
  • December 19, 2021

I would also need a print out of the questions to see if I have everything- It is so hard to go just question by question. It would be much easier to have a print out. Is this a function that Typeform is working on? 


@Birgit - this is something that has been put on the product list but best practices would indicate that you have the list of questions already prepared before you start creating your Typeform. If you had them in a Google Sheet or Doc you could copy and paste them into the Typeform in addition to printing out the report. 


I need to share the questions in a survey for IRB review. Even if I can have the text of the questions, It would be ideal to share the survey as a printed pdf like the slides of a powerpoint file. Please add this!

I'd like to add my voice to those telling Typeform that they need to come up with a simple way to download a PDF of a survey (Typeform's competitors allow this).

A workaround is to create a PDF for each question or statement by going into the actual survey and hitting Ctrl-P. Save with a number (01, 02, etc.) leading the filename. Go to (my favorite website in the world -- I need a life) and use their Merge function. Upload all your separate numbered PDF files of your Typeform questions/statements and they will line up in order (you can still re-arrange the files but numbering them earlier saves time). Merge the files and you can them download a single merged PDF file. It'll be long because one question per page but until Typeform comes up with a solution it might be the best option we have.
