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Technology Imitates Art


Hi @Liz 


How would one be able to build a page like this one -



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  • Certified Partner & Champion
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  • July 9, 2021

@aftab - it’s one very cool page. 


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  • July 9, 2021

@john.desborough - it is indeed. 


Haven’t you ever thought of creating something like this yourself?

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  • July 9, 2021

Hi @aftab Thanks for stopping by the community! We don’t currently provide support on building webpages, but if you’re interested in using our chat forms, our article here can walk you through this!

Is there anything in particular about the page that you like? Happy to ask our web team if they can drop in with some advice! 

  • Certified Partner & Champion
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  • July 9, 2021

@Liz - how that page was developed with the Chat function would be  really good office hours demo.. just sayin’…



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  • July 9, 2021
Liz wrote:

Hi @aftab Thanks for stopping by the community! We don’t currently provide support on building webpages, but if you’re interested in using our chat forms, our article here can walk you through this!

Is there anything in particular about the page that you like? Happy to ask our web team if they can drop in with some advice! 

@Liz - you guys have called that page Technology imitates ART…for a reason


What we have with Typeform (and these are my throughts only) is the ability to ASK AWESOMELY...I mean all our case studies have one thing in common - a business has has taken it for granted what their customers want. 


SALES fell drastically. Old companies (like my client, who is the oldest in his industry, even confessed, that they were on the brink of going bankrupt) 


And by just ASKING, fortunes change.  


Stay with me @Liz.


Then with VideoAsk one can showcase all the proof besides so much more. VideoAsk puts Asking on Steroids. 


We are still at ASKING AWESOMELY. Unlike all the gurus out there that tell you that you need so much more...and then when you’ve paid for their services, they tell you... start by ASKING your customers...and send you a checklist has been compiled by a trainee in the office who’s had his or her parents pay the mortgage and has never contributed a single $1 towards it or has had a sleepless night thinking about how he’s/she’s going to come up with the money. 


On the other hand, you’ve got to get your client sales up, like yesterday...and by casually speaking to a few of your clients’s clients, one realises that the company could be spending a billion dollars on advertising and still not increasing their sales and that you could be shown the door very quickly. Mind you @Liz when you have skin in the game, Typeform works on cocaine not steroids for you. :)


Then you let Typeform run it’s magic. The results are in. The CEO is shown they are on the wrong track TOTALLY. One gets a breather...till the CEO calls you after hours and pleeds with you to guide him as to what the next step should be towards those magically sales numbers he’s been busting his backside to get all these years. 


At this time, the CEO would rather divorce his wife/husband and be married to you. 


You know @Liz for a person like me - who was struggling without credibility and having a CEO who’s brother is a well know digital marketing expert - and the other stakeholders doubting your ability at every given a very stressful feeling working like this. Specially when you’re so heavily invested but getting results is still a long way off...not to mention seeing a $ only seems like a dream with the way relationships are before Typeform does it’s magic. 


Going from an underdog to the Blue eyed boy, a relief. Not that the pressure is off. Oh now far from that. 


Then your competiting with some hot shot copywriter. Who’s being paid more than least at this point in time. The differrence is that - the hot shot copywriter thinks he knows his customer and is gathering his fodder from past marketing collateral - collateral which was used to drastically reduce sales...not increase the sales. While the Typeform dude has got so much fooder - he not only feels the pulse of the customers, he’s got enough fooder to write the winning sales letter and if he reads the customers comments - he is playing with IDEAS that could be the next breakthrough for the company. 


Any copywriter will tell you = after you’ve paid them - that the most important thing is not how good the copywriter is but how good his research is. And one cannot unearth this research without ASKING AWESOMELY...absolutely no way. 


Then the hot shot copywriter’s letter is tested against yours. 


Your sales letter outshines the hot shot copywriters. The results are in the bank. 


The hot shot is shown the door, he first entered from. 


…because you’re the New HOT SHOT now!!! 


And this is where the problem STARTS. 


Because you’ve just inherited three fourth the responsibility of the CEO - to increase sales - without even a dollar from his/her salary. 


What that means is that you’ve got to write better copy than your last sales letter, you’ve got to be ASKING your customers all the time to find the next NEW thing so one to be able to BEAT your old sales letter. 


And with all the work that goes into setting up a Typeform...even if you have a’d rather be ASKING customers who are closest to the SALE and who would be voting with their MONEY. Hands down. 


ENTER - Technology Meets ART...what I’d like to call ASK and not SELL but OFFER.


Somebody once told me - the next best thing after a SALE is KNOWING WHY YOU DIDN”T MAKE THE SALE. But what he forgot to tell me is that - what’s equally important is knowing when to ASK & that you get only one chance to do this. Once that moment is gone, it’s gone for good. And that’s because businesses do not have the tool to ASK at that MOMENT.  


Just imagine, you have a landing page that either makes the sale or finds out WHY you didn’t make the sale. 


I’ve really enjoyed writing this post (its 4:49AM when I started writing this post and it’s 5:55AM now), although reading it may not be so much fun...but what the heck...I love Typeform...and love the support team and appreciate what Typeform has done for me and continues to do for me and to me. 

  • Community Team
  • 857 replies
  • July 9, 2021
Liz wrote:

Hi @aftab Thanks for stopping by the community! We don’t currently provide support on building webpages, but if you’re interested in using our chat forms, our article here can walk you through this!

Is there anything in particular about the page that you like? Happy to ask our web team if they can drop in with some advice! 


I think it’s clearly how the chat flows at the beginning of the page what got @aftab creative mind spinning. @nico @James may help us find who built that.  

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  • July 9, 2021
Gabriel wrote:
Liz wrote:

Hi @aftab Thanks for stopping by the community! We don’t currently provide support on building webpages, but if you’re interested in using our chat forms, our article here can walk you through this!

Is there anything in particular about the page that you like? Happy to ask our web team if they can drop in with some advice! 


I think it’s clearly how the chat flows at the beginning of the page what got @aftab creative mind spinning. @nico @James may help us find who built that.  

@Liz @Gabriel  are you saying that it would be possible to create the page Technology Imitates Art with the help of this article?

  • Certified Partner & Champion
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  • July 9, 2021

@Gabriel - in the article header, it mentions who help to build out the article from the tech point of view. 

@aftab - it is a web page that is using the Typeform Chat feature that is added to the page. It is beyond my capabilities to do this (at this time lol) but I have planned a little time on the weekend to see if i can move the needle towards this somewhat lol



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  • July 9, 2021

@john.desborough thanks for that. Going for it…

  • Community Team
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  • July 10, 2021
john.desborough wrote:

@Gabriel - in the article header, it mentions who help to build out the article from the tech point of view. 

@aftab - it is a web page that is using the Typeform Chat feature that is added to the page. It is beyond my capabilities to do this (at this time lol) but I have planned a little time on the weekend to see if i can move the needle towards this somewhat lol




As far as I understand they are not typeformers, I'll try and find out more! 

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  • July 13, 2021

@Liz have been playing with the chat code and there are a couple of issues that seem to be coming up.


  1. The standard chat and popup embed code provided as Java Script link provided does not include https://

    The link starts with just //….instead of

  2. Are we not able to combine the chat default code with custom CSS?

  3. We’ve used the chat code for a full width embed but it’s not displaying as full width.

Thanking you,



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  • July 13, 2021

Also, the animations of the chat cannot be replicated as they are in this page -


maybe because the JS that has been used is controlled within Typeform as against to us using TF default code. :sleepy:

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  • July 13, 2021

Hi @aftab Happy to see you’re taking a stab at this! :laughing: You can embed our default chat code on your site, but I’m afraid we can’t provide support for any custom code, such as custom CSS or Javascript. Though, if you have any questions about the code we do provide, we can certainly answer questions on this!

As for the issues with the full-width embed, would you mind sending the URL where you have the chat? Happy to take a look!

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  • July 14, 2021
Liz wrote:

Hi @aftab Happy to see you’re taking a stab at this! :laughing: You can embed our default chat code on your site, but I’m afraid we can’t provide support for any custom code, such as custom CSS or Javascript. Though, if you have any questions about the code we do provide, we can certainly answer questions on this!

As for the issues with the full-width embed, would you mind sending the URL where you have the chat? Happy to take a look!

Hi @Liz


As mentioned the existing chats do not function like the ones shown on the page -


For example, the first chat on the Human Experience page, which is inline - what is the existing code that one needs to use to replicate the chat on the Human Experience page. 


Just as a clarrification, we are not referring to the animations - just the chat. 


None of our 3 chats are able to replicate the one on the Human Experience page...or are we not getting something here?


Have sent you a DM to the link to the full width page...the coder has also put in the full width dimension and its still scrolling vertically. 


Thanking you,



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  • July 14, 2021

Hi @aftab Thanks for sharing! I took a look at the chat embed, and I’m seeing that it’s expanding most of the page, shown below. Are you seeing this as well? 


  • Certified Partner & Champion
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  • July 14, 2021

@Liz - i have not tested this part out yet but in @paul ‘s article, the chat is interactive at various points of the page .. wondering if multiple chats could have been embedded in the page and variables passed from chat to chat to make it seem like the flow is moving.. 

enquiring minds are engaged trying to figure this out lol.. 

maybe in the office hours??



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  • July 15, 2021

@Liz this is what we see


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  • July 15, 2021
john.desborough wrote:

@Liz - i have not tested this part out yet but in @paul ‘s article, the chat is interactive at various points of the page .. wondering if multiple chats could have been embedded in the page and variables passed from chat to chat to make it seem like the flow is moving.. 

enquiring minds are engaged trying to figure this out lol.. 

maybe in the office hours??



@john.desborough love the office hours content suggestion. 

Combined with Consultive like the page engages the visitor, maybe we can use that engagement in presenting information that the viewer wants to see. 


Can you imagine that @Liz :grinning: - mind blowing. 

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  • July 15, 2021

@aftab The possibilities! 

Tagging @picsoung who does office hours along with me. :) 


As for the chat, what browser are you viewing the chat on? 

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  • July 15, 2021
Liz wrote:

@aftab The possibilities! 

Tagging @picsoung who does office hours along with me. :) 

@Liz , the old typeform support staff knows - that given the choice between my wife and would be Typeform. 




Typeform offers updates :grinning:


And during my courting days with Typeform (they are weaning off)...if Typeform had a beautiful smile (which it does not...but it’s got this beautiful page which I’ve romanced for a long, long time). 


Even to the point that I got some very good programmers and have even spoken to David about this page….thinking I’d get to her , Typeform, through the brother, and that’s when I was told to stop romancing. She’s. Typeform is not ready...actually far from ready. Oh it broke my heart. How much I love Typeform. :grinning:


So, like a 17 year old who always thinks that it will happen...looking forward to the day when you have the human experience on Office Hours. :sleepy:


Until then I will be patiently waiting.  

Liz wrote:


As for the chat, what browser are you viewing the chat on? 





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  • July 16, 2021

Hi @aftab Oh gosh! Well, I hope your wife loves Typeform as much as you do ha! We’ll see if we can get this scheduled for an Office Hours. :grin:

zara arif
  • Navigating the Land
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  • September 21, 2021
aftab wrote:

Hi @Liz 


How would one be able to build a page like this one -

