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Upload multiple files

Is it possible to let folks upload zipped folders to send multiple files (under 10MB total)?

55 replies

Userlevel 7
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Hi @chvesq thanks for stopping by! It isn’t possible to upload a folder, but you could change the question to be a URL and have the respondent link to a URL where they have their files (such as Dropbox). Would that work at all for you? :grinning:

Userlevel 2

Hi @Liz 

I also had this question. The proposed solution won’t work for me. Can you add this to a wishlist for future features?



Userlevel 7
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@PA Team I can definitely share that feedback. :) I’d also encourage you to add it here, too, for some extra visibility! 



Userlevel 3

Hi @chvesq thanks for stopping by! It isn’t possible to upload a folder, but you could change the question to be a URL and have the respondent link to a URL where they have their files (such as Dropbox). Would that work at all for you? :grinning:

FYI, I was able to upload a test zip file, but I’m not sure if it will work on all device types, etc.

Userlevel 3

Attached is a test that seemed to work for a small multi-file upload in zip format. I am not sure whether this would work all the time across all platforms.

Uploaded file downloaded on my computer.


Userlevel 7
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Hi @chvesq ah yes! A zipped file will work (a folder itself won’t), though unless the respondent has the zipped file on their phone, I believe this will primarily work on a computer. 

Userlevel 2

Hi @Liz yes! having multiple file upload is the most needed feature for our need. I’ll really appreciate it if can be added in future updates. Thanks

Userlevel 7
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I’ll post here if there are any updates, @Mo the Seeker !

Userlevel 2

Thank you @Liz 

Userlevel 1

I am really satisfied with your type form design and functionalities. Thanks a lot for this tool. But i am a little bit disappointed by the limit of file upload feature. My project design requires me to upload multiple files as per customer need. But unfortunately, i cannot do that. And the customer does not accept the workaround you suggested in the forum. The one to go through an URL like drop box or google drive. the other option of zipping the file is also not accepted, so is there any other work around? If not when can we except an update to add this feature?


Thanks for your support.

Userlevel 7
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Hi @msinnovativedesign Thanks for stopping by the community! I’ve added your post here so you can follow any updates. :grinning:

Hi Typeform team,

We need to allow the respondent to add extra documents, as typeform doesn't allow us to upload multiple documents together we need to find a way out for that. In our survey sometimes the respondent needs to add extra documents but typeform don't have this functionality, please help us with a solution so we don't need to leave typeform for other survey software. Thank you a lot!

Userlevel 7
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Hi @Walter Campos Welcome to the community! I posted your question here where we have the answer and some workarounds. I hope this helps. :grinning:

Userlevel 1

I would just like to add that we have had to cancel our type-form subscription due to it not allowing multi file uploads. I love typeform and would come back in an instant if this simple feature was added. 



It is really “no go” for us also. We doing a service for document translation. It ie really hard to explane people “hey, now you have to upload it somewhere and give a link or to make a zip to upload multiple files”.


Please, do multiple upload in one question. If you are not sure with you server space, please, allow to use own Google Drive or Dropbox API, where you could just send this files.


I am so satisfied with all other features but this… Sadly…

Userlevel 7
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Hi @3dperson and @StephanB While our product team has it planned for the future, it isn’t on the roadmap any time soon, I’m afraid, as they need to prioritize other projects. 

As always, if there are any changes, I’ll post that here!

Userlevel 1

Hi all, hi Liz

I will also leave with regrets Typeform to others just because we do not have this feature.

It is really a pity because Typeform is great and I love it, unfortunately due to the miss of uploading multiple files, which is a must have feature for my business, I will be obliged to quit !

Userlevel 7
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Hi @Issam We completely understand if you need to find another service that fits more of what you’re looking for. Hopefully, this will be something we add to the product eventually. :grinning:

Ack. Yes, I’m afraid that I, too, will regrettably be leaving Typeform due to the limitations on file uploads and the fact that these workarounds won’t really work for our customers - my fault for not clocking this before, but when Paperform (as an example) has a 1GB limitation on uploads and unlimited storage (albeit time-restricted), it’s a bit of a no-brainer.


I really like Typeform’s functionality and didn’t spot this limitation until I started using - would love for this to be added to a very near stop on the Typeform development roadmap. I for one, would come straight back if so!

Userlevel 7
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Hi @Joe S Thanks for stopping by and sharing your feedback. I completely understanding needing to find another service that can host multiple uploads for you. This is something in our roadmap, and while I don’t have a time exactly when it will be released, just know it’s something we’re working on!

Hi @Liz - please also keep me posted when the multiple file upload will be released - we need this badly and are rooting for it as well :). 



Userlevel 1

Hi @Liz,

I saw from one of the documents that TypeForm provided that it allows the multiple uploading of files.

Here’s the link:

Here’s the screenshot of that instruction:


Can you elaborate more on this?

Thank you very much.


Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@oldspice - it’s not really a single question that allows for multiple uploads, but simply a group of questions, inside a Question Group, with each question being an individual file upload opportunity. 

at least in the example you showed.. 

still can’t upload multiple files on one question. 



Just following up on this - it’s definitely a needed feature. This and the inability to add multiple related fields (like address components) to the same page is going to push us to other software :(

Userlevel 7
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Thanks for the feedback, @solafson ! 😀
