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Hola a todos!  por favor  quisiera saber como hacer para que el videoask comience a funcionar inmediatamente sin necesidad que el usuario deba presionar ningun boton?

Esto porque he recibido algunas sugerencias que el usuario piensa que es un error que el vido que aparezca luego de presionar un CTA y no le dan clik para escucharlo.

Me pueden ayudar por favor, gracias


-- Google Translation -- 


Hello everyone! Please, I would like to know how to make the videoask start working immediately without the user having to press any button?

This is because I have received some suggestions that the user thinks it is an error that they see it appear after pressing a CTA and they do not click to listen to it.

Can you help me please, thank you

Hi @Cristóbal Welcome to the community! The language of the community is English, so I hope you don’t mind my reply in English. 

I moved your post under the corresponding VideoAsk category so @Grace and the folks on that team can help you out!

Hi @Cristóbal happy Friday!

Would you mind sharing where the videoask lives? Is it embedded on a website or landing page? 

Most browsers have a setting that means video won’t automatically play - this is so you don’t accidentally open a website with a noisy video when you are somewhere inconvenient. But let us know how you are sharing your videoask and we can try to help further.

Hi @Cristóbal I hope you had a great week! Were you able to solve the issue? We’re happy to take a look if you don’t mind sending the URL of the VideoAsk!
