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Hello! (especially @Maya and @mathio )

I have a full-page embed of a Typeform that works with the JavaScript code like this:

// create widget embed'<form-id>', {
container: document.querySelector('#wrapper'),

// pass the data to your typeform as hidden fields
hidden: {
hidden_var_1: x,
hidden_var_2: y,
hidden_var_3: z

What is the equivalent JavaScript code in VideoAsk?

Hey @TMo hope you had a good weekend!

Not sure if this could help, but we do have a code snippet here for a full page embed. Just checking with the team to see if there is a JavaScript equivalent! 

Hello, (I am not an expert on VideoAsk, sorry) if you are referring to passing hidden fields into your VideoAsk I think you should be able to achieve this by modifying the URL in iframe src attribute.



Hmmm. I need to be able to dynamically pass hidden variables.

For example, we want to have a VideoAsk set up for our existing users that are logged into our website. Therefore, we do something like the following for our Typeform surveys to automatically pass user IDs and I would like to start using VideoAsk more like this too:

id = getId(); // custom function

// create widget embed'<form-id>', {
container: document.querySelector('#wrapper'),

// pass the data to your typeform as hidden fields
hidden: {
user_id: id


You can achieve this with some custom JavaScript like this:

<iframe id="videoask"></iframe>
const iframe = document.querySelector('#videoask')
iframe.src = `${getId()}`



@Grace, I have been able to make something work for my needs based on your comments and @mathio ‘s comments. FYI, I found it much nicer to add one thing to the style sheet:

html, body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
height: 100%;
overflow-x: hidden;
overflow-y: hidden;

By setting overflow-x and overflow-y to hidden, I could get rid of that annoying and pointless scroll bar.

I am not a web developer, so I do not know if that is a robust solution, but you might want to ask your web developers to consider that in the official recommended code for a full-screen embed.

Hey @TMo! Can you send us the link to your website (where you embedded your videoask)? 

Hey @TMo 

I’ve passed this on to the developer team and they’re going to take a look and see if they can add this on to make it clearer in the full-screen embed code 🙏 thank you for flagging it! 

Hey @TMo Hope you’re doing well 😊

Just wanted to stop by and give an update from the team, they’re going to look at possibly implementing a toggle to switch to a full screen embed. 

They also recommended this code:

<iframe src="" allow="camera *; microphone *; autoplay *; encrypted-media *; fullscreen *; display-capture *;" width="100%" height="100%" style="border: none;" ></iframe>

Which may or may not be useful to you, especially as I know you had already found a fix! Thought I would share just in case it’s useful anyway.

