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I was reading some of the topics in the Community and noticed that we don't have a space to talk about films and TV series! 📽

Since one of my favorite things in the world is watching movies, I decided to create this thread. Last weekend, I watched King Richard and would definitely recommend it! I love movies that are based on true stories and also the ones that talk about sports (One of my favorites of all time is "The Blind Side").

Not sure what I'm in the mood for now, so I'm here to ask: What are your movie and TV program suggestions? 🍿

Hahahaha yes @Darnell, if you're a fan of Florence Pugh, it's better to watch Little Women instead! By the way, I highly recommend this one. It's beautiful! 

Have you watched this one? @ActionJackson @Liz @Grace @john.desborough 

I’ve only seen her in Black Widow and Hawkeye so far but I can def add Little Women to my list.

@Gabi Amaral Midsommar is one of my favorite movies, I just love anything A24 production puts out. They mainly do artistic, avant-garde type films but I love that.

 The writer/director also did Hereditary which is way scarier than Midsommar, so if you didn’t like Midsommar, definitely avoid Hereditary 😅

I watched it @Gabi Amaral! Took me a minute to realise it kind of tells the story out of order but I really enjoyed it!


Whoa, loving this thread! Awesome idea @Gabi Amaral 😍

The last movie I watched was good old classic - Fargo. A couple of colleagues and I went to enjoy this masterpiece in an open air cinema in our city. It was bliss 😊

@ActionJackson Wooow, just watched the trailer of Hereditary!!! It's frightening!! Yes, I thought Midsommar was a bit too graphic for my taste...😂 However, when I read some explanations about it, it made sense! 

Which one, @Grace? 

@Michaela Yaaaay, I love this thread as well! Oh, open air cinema! There's one in Barcelona as well. It's very nice with this weather! 😍 I haven't watched Fargo! Is it good? 

@Gabi Amaral Yeah they’re scary, I like that tho, not everyone does and that’s okay. The deeper meaning behind both films is what’s most interesting in my opinion 😊

@Gabi Amaral Fargo is great! I can only recommend it. It has a sleepy vibe which is something I appreciate about movies. Because it’s my vibe as well 😁 There’s also a 2014 Fargo tv series that’s based on the movie. I haven’t watched it, though. I guess I just love the original too much 😅


Open air cinemas are the ultimate venues aren’t they! This is what that one we were in looks like. I love the place. 


Anyway, back to movies 😄 I am unable to watch scary things because they make me anxious, haha. I did, however, read a very detailed analysis of Midsommar and I was blown away by the symbolism. I then “speed watched” some bits of the movie to get a sense of the visual side of the story and I have to say that I really liked the aesthetic. 

Wow @Michaela that place looks incredible! I bet it was such a treat watching Fargo there! I’ve never seen it but heard good things, better put it on my watch list!

@Gabi Amaral it was Little Women I watched, having read the book and seen the 1994 movie I was a little sceptical but thought the new version was nicely done! 

Hey @ActionJackson, yesterday I watched a documentary that I think you might like! It's a true story of a criminal that has done terrible things. Unbelievable! 

@Michaela uuh, this venue is dope! Yes, I'm not into horror as well but I read an analysis of Midsommar and I was like "uh, that makes sense!" 😬

@Grace Oh yeaaaah, little women is great! Have you watched anything nice lately? 

What about you@Darnell and @john.desborough?

@Gabi Amaral I’m almost always watching at least 2 things at a time, lol. So I recently finished both seasons of Hacks (on HBO), am still watching Silicon Valley.

I also recently watched Ms. Marvel which for as much as critics love it, it’s actually currently my least fav MCU series. It’s most certainly the most Disney-esque show from Marvel Studios but I do love its representation, themes, and a refreshing look at Muslim culture and blended families. It’s also very stylistically unique and unlike anything Marvel has put out. All of those elements are absolutely noteworthy. I just didn’t think the story it was telling was that compelling.

Anyway, I’m also watching the 4th season of Westworld which is airing now, along with Better Call Saul which is airing its final episodes of the series. I quite adore both of these shows which are in my all-time top 5.

I recently saw and quite enjoyed M. Night Shymalan’s Old and Last Night in Soho.

Any other fans of any of these shows or movies I mentioned above?

Wow, long time no see! I'm still dealing with the heat have here in Europe and in the meantime, watching some movies! This time, I've watched CODA! Everyone was telling me to watch this one and I have to say, it's beautiful!! 😍 Has anyone watched it? 

What you've been up to lately (in terms of movies and series, ofc! Hehe)? @john.desborough @Mikkel @Michaela @ActionJackson @Darnell @Grace @the conservative 

@Gabi Amaral hey there, yeah CODA is quite a beautiful flick. I watched it on a road trip back in June!

As for me, still watching the final season of Better Call Saul and the 4th season of Westworld along with some Prehistoric Planet  (on Apple TV+).

At the theaters, I most recently saw Nope twice (!) which is extraordinary imo. That’s a high recommend from me. Looking forward to seeing what the others have been watching lately.

Oh wow @Gabi Amaral I got choked up just watching the trailer for Coda! Looks great! 

Schitt’s Creek finally came to a Spanish streaming site so I’ve been re-watching that and loving it all over again, and I watched the Shania Twain Netflix documentary, which was pretty inspiring (bit of a Canada theme there haha!) 

@Darnell watching the trailer for Nope has made me go nope 😂 on a scale of 1-10 how scary is it?!


@Grace SEE CODA ASAP! It’s kinda not the movie you think it is and if you have a soul, you will cry a few times throughout (and not always due to sadness!)

As for Nope this is also not quite the movie the trailers make it out to be. And one of the things I love about all 3 of Jordan Peele’s flicks thus far is that I would not classify any of them as “scary”. They’re much more (psychological) thrillers but not like with weird, hellish, nightmarish, ghost/ghouly spirit stuff. Also, not many jump scares. And they’re not based on true stories (whew!). IMO, they’re more akin to shows like Black Mirror, Twilight Zone, and The Outer Limits. I think Get Out is basically a Black Mirror episode in movie length form.

Anyway, all that to say, on 1-10 scale of *what I define as* scariness, I say a 2-3. I think you’re totally safe to watch this one, imo.

@Darnell  Definitely want to watch CODA for sure!

Still not sure about Nope, maybe I’ll find a friend to watch it with me 😅 I have such an active imagination, even the slightest hint of thriller will keep me up at night 😂 I like the trailer though, it doesn’t really give much away. It’s no good if you watch the trailer and feel like you’ve already seen the movie!

@Grace yeah, let us know what you think about CODA whenever you get around to it. It’s an Apple Original so it’ll probably never leave that platform thus you have plenty of time.

Re: Nope - I feel you, and like you, I have very active imagination as well. It’s why I don’t watch scary movies - one of them scarred me for life over 20 years ago and I still think about that film (which shall remain unnamed, ha!).

Have you not seen any of those thriller shows I mentioned? I can’t imagine that Black Mirror would scare or mess with you the way that something like It might.

@Darnell I’ve never seen Black Mirror, although heard a lot about it, I might be the only person that’s never watched an episode… maybe I’ll try and dip my toe in and see how I go!


@Grace Oh wow, you are missing out, ha! Assuming you have Netflix, just check out any of these 3 episodes from that series: “Nosedive”, “San Junipero”, or “The Entire History of You” (none of these are remotely scary at all). They’re some of the best. And since it’s an anthology series, you’re not missing out if you jump around.

Ok @Darnell I promise to give it a go! I need something new to watch, so maybe this will be it...

@Darnell @Grace @Gabi Amaral - all great choices and a number of them on my list for when the ladies of the house go on vacation.. if dad sits down to watch a movie, one or the other - depending on who is awake at the time lol - will come out and invariably not like to see the scary bits (of humanity) on the screen and we switch to something Disney… 

what i AM watching though is based on getting my wife ready to deal with the 6 yr old when she starts asking more about Harry Potter. My wife never read the books or saw the movies (not part of her cultural indoctrination when she moved to Canada from China), so she is being forced/coerced/bribed to sit through the first two, at least, so that she can be aware of what is coming at some point lol. 

it’s a good reason to have an IPA from the local microbrewery.. 


@john.desborough IPA with a bit of Harry Potter sounds like a good evening, and good thinking to get ahead of the game, even 20 years later I end up in conversations about it! I’m not even sure I watched all the HP movies, was a big fan of the books and was getting annoyed at the movies missing stuff out 😂 

@Grace - i agree with you.. my elder spawn spent countless hours detailing out for me what was missing in each movie as it came out… but we all agreed in the end that a 100 hour epic, to cover every single detail, would never get watched and then how long would the second movie, etc. have been?? lol jk.. 


another one that is similar in terms of book vs show is the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan… the first ‘season’ was pretty good but as they say, it is ‘based on’ the books.. not a visual page turning … am interested for season two when it arrives late in this year or early next. 


Very true, we’d still be watching them if they covered every detail! Amazing how many books are being turned into movies and series now, can’t keep up!

I have been watching season 4 of faudeh, its really cool.

if anyone of you is into drama and terrorism you should watch fauda, its full of drama and very well played, now streaming on Netflix
