Working from home can be challenging in surprising ways
I know understand what happened at our last video call. That picture is amazing.
@Jon I agree, this is an incredible picture. You should get this blown up and framed! Tomorrow can you ask them to take one of what you look like from their side?
This photo made my day hahaha. I thought my work from home life was rough. I’ve been outdone!
At least you had some company?
Loving this! Hahaha I'd feel a bit pressured if I had to work with four people 'staring' at me! @john.desborough @Paulo I think you're gonna love the photo Jon shared! Hahaha What is the joy of working from home for both of you?
OMG! I loved this photo!!
The guy in the left upper corner is like “really? you taking pics??”
My work from home is super quiet here on the other side of the world. Just dealing with my apps and robots.
Very cozy remote station, @Paulo! Are you always that organized? Hahaha If you could see my desk right now, you'd cry!
@Gabi Amaral Yep! I'm so organized that it's almost a OCD...
@Paulo - what was it that Einstein said? “cluttered desk, clean mind”?? That is almost too perfect. Congratulations on that sir..
My "joy" of working from home today is basically that I intend to take a nap during lunchtime! Anyone else planning to do that? Hehehehe
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