Decimal separators for numbers/calculations | Community
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Decimal separators for numbers/calculations

  • May 12, 2022
  • 1 reply

Hi there!
Adding decimal separators like „1’000’000“ or „$1,000.23“ (depending on the language) would be super helpful for calculations in typeform and make the readability and possibility to quickly scan and understand numbers much better.

I created a calculator für Conversion Rate Optimization and the result in savings could go into thousands and more, but all the users see are numbers with a lot of zeros :)

Thanks in advance!
Cheers, Dirk

Community Team
  • Tech Community Advocate
  • May 12, 2022

Hi @campfire Welcome to the community! I hope from your username, that means you love campfires because I do, too! 😍

Thanks for sharing this suggestion! I’ll share this with the product team, and if you have any other questions/suggestions, please let us know. 
