Hack Together: Episode #5 – Let's talk about Embed, Thu, 17 Jun. 2021 at 11:00, America/Los_Angeles | Community
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Thu, Jun 17, 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM (UTC)

Hack Together: Episode #5 – Let's talk about Embed

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About this event

You’ve created your form, it looks pretty... actually, I am sure it looks stunning! Now you want to get in front of as many people as possible and gather as many responses. Turns out, you already have a website, where you want to add this form. You might already be familiar with the code snippets available under the Share panel, but did you know you can build something more complex where you have full control?

In this episode Nicolas (@picsoung)   and Matej  (@mathio), developer of the embed library at Typeform, will walk you through the new Embed SDK and its features.

We will see how to integrate a Typeform to our Next.js App, exploring the different types of embed and fancy options.

This live event has now finished but fear not: you can rewatch the whole thing here:



Event details
Online event
Thu, Jun 17, 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM (UTC)