I’ve changed the email of a typeform to a hidden field that is filled automatically via URL from hubspot. That works as it should, the email is matching with the existing hubspot contact and receiving the typeform data.
BUT additionally Typeform now creates a second and new contact with empty email attribute in hubspot. Doesn’t make any sense to me. How can I fix this?
Best answer by kabir.mathur
Hi @originalconfidence. I see what’s going on now. You’re part of a small group of users that’s still on v1 of our Hubspot integration. We will migrate your account to v2 next week. v2 includes many new features such as:
The ability to edit your integration
Better error handling for peace of mind
New Hubspot APIs for future compatibility and enhanced functionality
The option to create deals and companies in addition to contacts
As well as the ability to determine when contacts are created and not per my last comment. Please feel free to reach out again via this thread if v2 doesn’t resolve your issue. If it does and you enjoy the experience, we’d really appreciate a positive review for our app listing on Hubspot’s site- https://app.hubspot.com/ecosystem/6093865/marketplace/apps/marketing/lead-generation/typeform.
When you’re using an email hidden field, it doesn’t contain an actualemail type field reference to map form submission details to, so a new empty contact is created due to a missing email field.
Hopefully this helps clarify where that empty contact is coming from.
Hey @Liz thanks for the info. Clarified it, but didn’t solve the problem ;-) Would be a great adjustment if I could somehow stop the empty contact creation. Any ideas on this?
Otherwise a feature request for the next update...
The behavior your’ve described is what is expected of the integration so it’s possible that this is a bug. Would you mind sharing the Form ID for the form that you’ve connected to Hubspot so we can investigate this further? Your Form ID is the string that appears after form/ in your form URL (something like admin.typeform.com/form/uKCEO3).
@kabir.mathur I’d like to try this, but where do I find the checkbox? I can’t even update the integration settings. Shouldn’t that be available with the newest integration update?
Right now, I can only delete the integration and set it up newly.
Hi @originalconfidence. I see what’s going on now. You’re part of a small group of users that’s still on v1 of our Hubspot integration. We will migrate your account to v2 next week. v2 includes many new features such as:
The ability to edit your integration
Better error handling for peace of mind
New Hubspot APIs for future compatibility and enhanced functionality
The option to create deals and companies in addition to contacts
As well as the ability to determine when contacts are created and not per my last comment. Please feel free to reach out again via this thread if v2 doesn’t resolve your issue. If it does and you enjoy the experience, we’d really appreciate a positive review for our app listing on Hubspot’s site- https://app.hubspot.com/ecosystem/6093865/marketplace/apps/marketing/lead-generation/typeform.
Has there been any update on the matching of hidden field values via dynamic URL parameter in the past days? It used to work perfectly for us, but since a few days every second email value is empty. So it seems like something has changed.
We are using this path in the URL to match with the hidden field in our typeform:
Got it! I’m reading now that you’re saying the second value. Is the second value the email? And have you noticed that it happens on certain types of contacts or all recently?
@Liz I was saying “every second value” which was only a rough value to describe how often it happens. Round about in 40% of the contacts right now. There is no rule about certain types of contacts that we could identify. Seems to happen randomely.
Is there any relation to ad blockers, browser etc. that you know about?
Oh, got it. It may be related to cookie settings on the browser, @originalconfidence . If you haven’t already, do you mind sending yourself a test email and opening it in an incognito window? That should give us an answer on cookies!