Separate scoring for multiple Question Groups within one quiz | Community
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Separate scoring for multiple Question Groups within one quiz

  • February 27, 2024
  • 1 reply


I have already searched through older posts to see if I can find answers, but nothing I’ve found seems to quite fit what I’m trying to do. The thread that came closest is 2 years old, and the options suggested by the best responder, no longer exist.

I have created a quiz that contains 5 Question Groups, each containing a different number of questions. I’d like the scoring for each group to be individual, and not integrated into a total. The scoring for each Question Group respectively would indicate the need for a specific nutrient, but I would like my readers/clients to not have to take 5 separate quizzes, as the nutrients are of the same category. 


Is there a way to score each Question Group individually?

If so, how?

If so, is it possible to create an End Page with multiple results?


1 reply

  • Certified Partner & Champion
  • 5257 replies
  • February 28, 2024

@hbeckwith - check out the other post you made for images of where to find variables. 

and yes you can use logic rules to add values to a ‘subtotal variable’ you create for each question group 

there are a lot of posts in here about how to do that with logic rules. 

as for the Ending page, depending on what you want as your outcome, you can use logic rules to direct users to different ending pages ie if you wanted to send them to an page based on highest score in a category/question group, etc.. or you can use the logic rules to select/fill text variables and display them on a the ending page based on the results. 


again, you need to think of your outcomes first before you start setting up the logic routing


