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Bom dia.


Eu gostaria de inserir alguns vídeos, utilizando o Typeform, na página de produto de um ecommerce, ou seja, como se fosse uma foto, mas na verdade é um vídeo. Basicamente, quando a pessoa acessar um produto específico, ter uma miniatura com o vídeo e se ela der play, irá passar um vídeo falando do produto. Sem que a pessoa precise responder nada, apenas passa o vídeo.


É possível?


Google translate:


I would like to insert some videos, using Typeform, on the product page of an ecommerce, that is, as if it were a photo, but in fact it is a video. Basically, when a person accesses a specific product, has a thumbnail with the video and if they press play, a video will show talking about the product. Without the person having to answer anything, they just play the video. It's possible?

Hey @Thiago Lima welcome back!

The language of our community is English so I’m going to reply back here in English, hope that’s ok!

I think you asked a similar questions a few months back over here:

Can you confirm if you’re using Typeform or VideoAsk?

Hi @Thiago Lima Happy Tuesday! Did you still need some help? Let us know if you’re using Typeform or VideoAsk!

Hi @Thiago Lima 

If you’re using VideoAsk you can embed a videoask onto a webpage or a product page of your website, check out our Help Center article here for some instructions. The look and setup might vary depending on which website builder you are using, but hopefully this is a good place to start! 
