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feature request: survey organization

I want to be able to organize my typeform surveys. Either with tags or in folders or something. Right now all I can do is choose from list or grid view and sort by created date or name. But with tags I can sort by my department or ones that are live and active vs. closed. It would help me find what I want faster. 

Hi @b2bsaasuser Totally agree with you - this would be a handy feature! I’ll pass this request along to the product team. 😀

@b2bsaasuser - this may not be the most elegant way around this but i have created a whole series of workspaces for each of the projects and/or themes that i have developed/am developing

I have about 800 forms across 66 workspaces (including some that i have created for backups of project forms for safety’s sake) .. 

while these are not folders per se, it does help me easily identify a project/client and access all the related forms. 


i have also started to put a ‘tag’ type reference in each of my file names to help in the search function ie for all the forms related to ‘data quality’, for example, i add the following to the form name ‘- DQ’ .. that way when i search the workspaces for thing with DQ they all show up in the list.. 


just a thought.. 


