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What would you think of a business aimed at the monthly savings of mothers and fathers or future mothers and fathers, with the concept of clothing and footwear kits for returning to school, initiation of prenatal clothing, change of season among other occasions and even situations, would it be beneficial??


And possibly with a monthly subscription with a variety of articles? Obviously always doing a study of the "rival" market to give the best prices to customers and personalized service ... Tell me what you think, especially those who have children or are about to have 🙂

@Nattie Jesus - welcome to the community

do you have some question about how to use the Typeform tool in your research?


Hey @Nattie Jesus. Welcome to the Typeform Community :-)


I'm not a business expert so I cannot advise. The community will be able to help you with Typeform related questions. Let us know if you have any :hugging:
