Typeform doesn't send Response to Google SpreadSheet since today | Community
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Typeform doesn't send Response to Google SpreadSheet since today

  • November 18, 2021
  • 5 replies


As always I connected one new typeform to a new google spreadsheet with the same google account integration I already used for 20 typeforms in the past.

But since today the respons are not pushed inside the spreadsheet.

If I delete the integration and I create a new one Typeform find the new response and put them inside a new sheet inside the spreadsheet, but when a new response is sent nothing happened.

Is it possibile to have support?

Thank you

Best answer by Liz

Hi @Mure Thrive X There are various reasons why the Google Sheets integration would stop working, such as: 

  • You can't change the headers of the document.
  • Integrate the same form in two different Google sheet URLs instead of the same Google sheet document.
  • Integrate two forms in the same tab
  • Delete tabs on the sheet
  • Move the Sheet within your Google Drive
  • Delete your Sheet if it's in use in an integration


Do you happen to know if any of these apply to you? 

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Community Team
  • Tech Community Advocate
  • November 18, 2021

Hi @Mure Thrive X There are various reasons why the Google Sheets integration would stop working, such as: 

  • You can't change the headers of the document.
  • Integrate the same form in two different Google sheet URLs instead of the same Google sheet document.
  • Integrate two forms in the same tab
  • Delete tabs on the sheet
  • Move the Sheet within your Google Drive
  • Delete your Sheet if it's in use in an integration


Do you happen to know if any of these apply to you? 

Hi thanks for your reply, nothing of the possibilities you wrote is my case.


I created a brand new typeform, I also let typeform create a brand new spreadsheet


But after all no response is sent to this new spreadsheet 

This happens to me also! 

I already send a ticket, hope to get an answer soon

Community Team
  • Tech Community Advocate
  • November 19, 2021

Hi @Mure Thrive X I would suggest contacting our support team directly here so they can test the form and see what’s happening in the backend of the integration. 

  • Navigating the Land
  • September 21, 2023


I read the above steps to resolve the issue but it is not working. The integration with google sheet didnot transfer the data to sheets. 

I have done this ten times before it worked. But why not now. 
