I’m not on the free plan but I believe if you go to plan & billing screen, it might tell you.
To navigate, click the drop down arrow next to you name in the top right corner and choose Settings. On the left menu, choose plan and billing. Mine shows next billing date so yours might show that or when your month restarts (based on when you signed up).
I’m not on the free plan but I believe if you go to plan & billing screen, it might tell you.
To navigate, click the drop down arrow next to you name in the top right corner and choose Settings. On the left menu, choose plan and billing. Mine shows next billing date so yours might show that or when your month restarts (based on when you signed up).
Hey @LGu welcome to the Typeform Community, and @vickioneill thanks so much for your help!
Vicki is totally right! 👏🏻 If you check your plan & billing screen, you'll see the usage of your forms and your responses, and also a message: "Your responses reset on [DATE]".