Hey @Kosta! Thank you for posting your question here! 
Yes, you can achieve that using multiple variables adding scores to different hidden fields. In the end, your respondents get their scores in each section. I've created a quiz with branching and calculations to get there, click here to check it out.
These are the steps you should take:
1. Go to Logic > Advanced > Variables > Custom variables and create your categories over there. In the example above, I've used @art, @language, @math, and @science. Then, I selected "number" (Since we'll create scores). Don't forget to save it!

2. Now, click in Logic > Advanced > Branching & Calculations. For each one of your questions, create a condition to add a score to the specific category if your respondent gets the answer right. Check out the example of my quiz.

3. You'll have to add these conditions to all of your questions.
4. Then, you'll create only one ending with your respondent's results. You'll have to add your categories over there by recalling information. Take a look at the example of my quiz below.

That's it! Let me know if this works for you!
Regarding your last question, I think you can only display their results numerically. Maybe my friend @Lizhas any ideas about it?
Wishing you a great week!