Hey Typos’
I am attempting to create an order for that would allow someone to choose an item, a quantity of that item and then either complete their order OR add on another item with various quantities .
I’m having trouble figuring out how to add that second item to the order once they have worked through the natural logic flow on the first item. For example, in Typeform’s example of a pizza order, how would you create a flow in which someone could lock in their entire pizza order, size an all - then add another pizza with its own attributes without having to submit and restart the form ( I would like to spare my customer the undue process of entering their personal and payment information all over again ).
Currently my form gets through the order and prompts “ Would you like to add another item… “ Y/N .
If No, it ends.
If Yes, it links back to the original item selection form. Unfortunately I believe this is changing their initial answer not adding a new one ?
Thank you for any ideas !