Embedding problem with ClickFunnels | Community
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Embedding problem with ClickFunnels


Hi all,

I’ve just created a new TypeForm and have published it. When I came to embed it (standard embed) on my CF page, I noticed that the copied code is substantially shorter than what I’d seen in the past (the old code worked just fine):

 data-tf-widget="WeICmOh6" data-tf-hide-headers data-tf-hide-footer 

When I test the CF page, there’s no form. It’s as if the code is incomplete. This is the first time I’ve embedding issues. Has something changed? By the way, I saw the post about needing https and of course, CF is ok in that sense.

I’d appreciate your thoughts,


Best answer by mathio-tf

Please try adding this part of JS code into your embed snippet to see if it helps:  window.tf.load()

Your full code would look something like this:

<div data-tf-widget="WeICmOh6" data-tf-hide-headers data-tf-hide-footer style="width:100%;height:400px;"></div>
<script src="//embed.typeform.com/next/embed.js"></script>

If it helps we will release a fix for the embed lib so this additional code is not necessary, but you will help us with tracking this down. Thanks.

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21 replies

  • Typeform
  • 888 replies
  • August 16, 2021

Hello @Darryl Godfrey 

we have recently updated the JS library that powers the embed snippet and this is the new code. Can you please share your page URL with embedded form? I will have a look.

Gabi Amaral
  • Ex–Typefomer
  • 1778 replies
  • August 16, 2021

Hey @Darryl! It's great to have you here! :four_leaf_clover:

I've seen you've sent a ticket to our Support team. We are aware of this problem and are working to fix it! We'll make sure to solve your issue as soon as possible and I'll also post here once we have a solution! :wink:

Hope you have an amazing week! :sunny:


Hi @mathio ,


Here’s the page URL with the embedded form: https://training.projectmastery.co/register-for-trainingpu5dfm1r




  • Typeform
  • 888 replies
  • August 16, 2021

@Darryl Godfrey I am sorry but I was unable to find any embed codes in the page at that URL.


@mathio Thanks for looking. That’s probably the heart of the matter. The code I pasted was as follows:

 data-tf-widget="WeICmOh6" data-tf-hide-headers data-tf-hide-footer 

This doesn’t look anything like the code I’ve used in the past. But since our discussions, I’ve had confirmation from Typeform that there is a bug in this area and they’re working on it. Unfortunately it means a key part of my sales funnel is useless until this is fixed.



  • Typeform
  • 888 replies
  • August 17, 2021

I can confirm this new code is correct (there were some recent changes that led to this new and shorter code).

While it is true we are having some issues with rendering forms, I dont see typeform embed code in your page source code anywhere. Where should the form be displayed on your page?


Hi again,

The Typeform should be more-or-less central in the page, under the heading. I also checked the source code and don’t see it embedded either, so I’m starting to wonder if it’s a ClickFunnels issue. Due to the very much shorter embed code, I initially thought it was Typeform somehow causing the issue. I will do some more digging.


Thanks for all your help,




Hi again,

Following is a link to a page in a different sales funnel which also has an embedded Typeform:


When I “view source” for this page, I can see the call to embed.js, but again nothing displays.  I’m not sure whether this is helpful or not, but it must be related somehow …




  • Typeform
  • 888 replies
  • Answer
  • August 17, 2021

Please try adding this part of JS code into your embed snippet to see if it helps:  window.tf.load()

Your full code would look something like this:

<div data-tf-widget="WeICmOh6" data-tf-hide-headers data-tf-hide-footer style="width:100%;height:400px;"></div>
<script src="//embed.typeform.com/next/embed.js"></script>

If it helps we will release a fix for the embed lib so this additional code is not necessary, but you will help us with tracking this down. Thanks.



I’m quite happy to help you to track it down … but: no luck - nothing changed at all.


Here’s the page I embedded it into:



Incidentally, I tried embedding the code in a Wordpress page as well, but without any success - although I’m not 100% confident that I did it correctly …





  • Typeform
  • 888 replies
  • August 18, 2021

Unfortunately these pages do not embed the code correctly:

This page includes the code correctly:

and after fixing a bug on our side your typeform is now displayed on the page.


Ok - thanks for that.  I’ll take a look on my side. Frankly, I’m not too surprised that it doesn’t work on the Wordpress page - that’s most likely down to me not embedding it properly.


I’ll look again at the CF page that now works correctly and copy the same code to another CF page - I’m sure it’ll work this time.


Thanks for all your help - it’s very much appreciated.



Hi again - I just tested both CF pages with the new code - it all looks good!


Thanks again,


Gabi Amaral
  • Ex–Typefomer
  • 1778 replies
  • August 19, 2021

Hey @Darryl Godfrey:blush:

Yes, I've checked and the issue has been fixed. I'm glad you were able to make it work! Can you share the link to your page with your form? I'm very curious to get to know your use case a bit better! 

Thank you a lot for your patience! :four_leaf_clover:


Hi @Gabi Amaral,


Thanks for your email. I have calls to Typeform embedded in two ClickFunnels pages:






  • Navigating the Land
  • 4 replies
  • January 24, 2022

I am trying to embed my type form into click funnels - can you please help with the code


<div data-tf-widget="qOvmLs" data-tf-iframe-props="title=CPotts NBR Application" style="width:100%;height:400px;"></div><script src="//embed.typeform.com/next/embed.js"></script>

Community Team
  • Tech Community Advocate
  • 14858 replies
  • January 25, 2022

Hi @Cpotts1 I’ve answered you in the other thread! :grinning:

  • Navigating the Land
  • 1 reply
  • February 9, 2022

Hi there,


I am trying to embed my Typeform into Clickfunnels. Here is my code: 

<div data-tf-widget="y1qXvgPb" data-tf-iframe-props="title=Registration Form" data-tf-medium="snippet" style="width:100%;height:400px;"></div><script src="//embed.typeform.com/next/embed.js"></script>


When I try and add this to the Custom JS/ Html nothing shows up… 

Would love if someone could help me. Really appreciate it! 


Community Team
  • Tech Community Advocate
  • 14858 replies
  • February 10, 2022

Hi @hannahjoy Do you mind sending the URL where you have the form embedded so we can take a look? 

  • Navigating the Land
  • 1 reply
  • July 18, 2024

Hi Team! 


I’m also struggling to embed our Typeform into Clickfunnels. 


Here’s the URL where the form should be displayed.


And this is our embed code:

<div data-tf-live="01HKWGJFAZHEVAQQ47KNZM8XY6"></div><script src="//embed.typeform.com/next/embed.js"></script>

I also tried adding this 


as suggested before but it didn’t solve the problem. 


It would be amazing if someone could help me out :)


Thank you! 


  • Typeform
  • 888 replies
  • July 19, 2024

Hello @DomNyari 

I can see your typeform embedded in the page, however the parent DIV element and also the iframe itself have zero height. This must be affected by some JS or CSS code in your website, however I was unable to determine which.
