Hi, I'm trying to find a way to improve the completion rate of my TypeForm.
One idea was to run my visitors to an optin page first (via ConvertKit) so they have to opt into my email list first and then send them to the TypeForm.
(This way, I can tag them when they opt in (prior to completing the form), and then again after they complete/submit the form. If they start but don't complete the form, I can encourage them to come back.)
I don't think a "form abandon" feature is built into TypeForm, so I'd be doing this with ConvertKit and TypeForm's integration.
Saying that, if people opt into my ConvertKit list using their name and email – and I redirect them to the TypeForm survey afterwards – is there a way to pass those parameters (name and email) to the TypeForm so those questions are pre-filled (or skipped), so the visitors wouldn't have to enter them again?
And to clarify – these would be (a) new leads to TypeForm, and (b) visitors who don’t have any history in TypeForm to pull data from (such as from other TypeForms). I’m simply looking to pass parameters from ConvertKit to Typeform dynamically, if there’s a way to do that.
Hope this makes sense... Thank you!