I need different submit buttons | Community
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I need different submit buttons

  • February 9, 2021
  • 1 reply

How do I getthe submit button after I have requested an email address and then the telephone number. I want to be able to have a submit button for each multiple choice. This is that my client will know what service his prospect needs before getting in contact with him.

Please watch this video of where I ma stuck



Best answer by Mariana

Hi @Kobus Bosman. Thanks so much for sending the video - it was super useful! 


If you've added more questions (or statements) after question 31, then you won't see the "submit" message there. Instead, the "submit" button will appear when it's the last question of the form (you can test the preview page to see how the last question will look like).


You can reorder the questions and leave the phone number question as the last one. This way, the button will show "Submit" and the respondent will be sent directly to an Ending.


I believe this is what you were aiming to do, but please let me know if I misunderstood your request or if you have any further questions. =) 

View original

  • Ex–Typefomer
  • February 9, 2021

Hi @Kobus Bosman. Thanks so much for sending the video - it was super useful! 


If you've added more questions (or statements) after question 31, then you won't see the "submit" message there. Instead, the "submit" button will appear when it's the last question of the form (you can test the preview page to see how the last question will look like).


You can reorder the questions and leave the phone number question as the last one. This way, the button will show "Submit" and the respondent will be sent directly to an Ending.


I believe this is what you were aiming to do, but please let me know if I misunderstood your request or if you have any further questions. =) 
