I have been building 4 forms over the past month or so. Last Thursday every time I would select Publish a popup displayed for selecting options for sharing the form. Selecting anywhere outside the popup would close the popup, no big deal. The next day & since when I select Publish I now get the message "Oops Something went wrong, your form has formatting issues and we can’t open it. Refresh page" Selecting the Refresh page button reopens the form & my latest changes have been saved and published. I get the same result on all 4 of the forms I’m building including the 2 that I haven’t changed the previous week. All 4 work as expected. The impact of needing to refresh the page is that it goes back to the beginning of the form I'm working on which adds time while developing and testing.
I accessed my account from another computer using Chrome & Edge, same result.
I was using Chrome on my computer & tried Firefox & Edge, same result.
Anyone else experience something similar?
Any suggestions?