Apologies if this has been answered before but couldn’t see.
I am doing a short quiz (6 questions) which leads to three outcomes.
There are 3 key questions which will lead to one of the outcomes but is there a way of prioritising the outcomes? I.e. if they answer two of the key questions positively can I choose which answer should be priority?
@Liz and i had a thread on ‘mapping outcomes’ that covered off something similar in nature to this:
you can use the outcome mappings to point to the endings
based on the answers to the three questions, you would map an answer (or more) to a specific ending and based on the ‘greatest number’ of matching outcomes, typeform will route the user to the appropriate ending
if there are ties in the logic, the order in which you create your ending pages ie A, B, C is the order in which typeform defaults to an ending - it will go to ending A if there is no clear ‘winner’ in the outcome mapping. so be purposeful in your ending order
you can use scoring in the advanced logic area under branching and calculations that can create totals for each category and then you can route the user based on those totals to an ending page. Again, you have to consider what you will do in the case of a tie.
Hi @Brooke - Fiona Welcome to the community! I think the only way to do this would, instead of using the outcome logics, be to score the quiz similar to the older style of our personality quizzes. Then, you could add more weight to certain questions and score them up at the end. The downside is this would be a bit more time-consuming to build.
@Liz and i had a thread on ‘mapping outcomes’ that covered off something similar in nature to this:
you can use the outcome mappings to point to the endings
based on the answers to the three questions, you would map an answer (or more) to a specific ending and based on the ‘greatest number’ of matching outcomes, typeform will route the user to the appropriate ending
if there are ties in the logic, the order in which you create your ending pages ie A, B, C is the order in which typeform defaults to an ending - it will go to ending A if there is no clear ‘winner’ in the outcome mapping. so be purposeful in your ending order
you can use scoring in the advanced logic area under branching and calculations that can create totals for each category and then you can route the user based on those totals to an ending page. Again, you have to consider what you will do in the case of a tie.
Thank you guys! I didn’t realise it prioritised the answers based on their order so will have a play around with that. and if that fails will redo with the scoring method. really appreciate responses :)