Hello, please help me, I am trying to create a questionnaire that balances the percentage of presence of the Elements; Fire, Air, Earth, and Water, and depending on the selection from 0 to 10 that you choose, the system does the calculation and gives the result in percentage of each element, helping to identify which is the dominant element(s), harmony and in deficit. , for example, Water 75% (dominant), Earth 33% (deficit), Fire 25% (deficit) and Air 80% (dominant). I have already seen all the videos about results but I got stuck because when I click "logic" and then on "score quiz" the screen appears blank, none of the questions appear to enter the score and I really don't know. what else to do. Please help me... Thank you so much!
Best answer by john.desborough
@andreasiemon - i see in your logic that you divide the variable by 0 - which in essence does nothing to the value of the variable and then multiply it by 100
in the first question for @fire, say you had a score of 8 and you multiplied it by 100, @fire is now 800
at the end of second question for @fire you add more points to it, say 10, now the base value of @fire is 810 and then you multiply that by 100 so your value of @fire is now 81,000… etc..
i think what you need to do is as follows:
add the value for each question to the variable - don’t do the divide or multiply on each question.
at the end of the variable collection questions ie @fire, you should have the total points the user scored. what is the maximum they could score for when answer the questions for @fire?
say there are 6 questions for @fire and max of 8 points each - that would give you a maximum score for @fire of 48
say my answers were a total of 41 points for @fire
the logic rules to calculate the percentage would be
divide @fire by 48 .. the result would be .85
then multiply @fire by 100 to get the percentage = 85
do the same for each variable in your set and then you can figure out where the user sits in comparison with your ranges
Hi @andreasiemon Thank you for sharing this screenshot - super helpful! It might be just an issue of clearing the cache. Do you mind trying that and publishing any changes to your form to see if that helps?
Hello, I have already cleared the cache, I logged in in another browser and it still does not work, could it be because all the questions in my quiz are "Net Promoter Score"?
Hi @andreasiemon Ohhh yes! That would do it. With the NPS questions, you can’t score them. Instead, I would suggest using the opinion scale, which is basically the same setup, but does let you score those ones. 😀
Hi @Liz Thank you so much! Yes!, I realized that a couple of days ago and I already changed the type of questions, but in the same way I still cannot get the system to generate the percentage calculation for each variable, I leave you the link if you can give it a look, and you can see if there is something in the way the rules are calculated that are not working, the truth is I have tried a thousand ways and it still does not give me the expected result.
@andreasiemon - i see in your logic that you divide the variable by 0 - which in essence does nothing to the value of the variable and then multiply it by 100
in the first question for @fire, say you had a score of 8 and you multiplied it by 100, @fire is now 800
at the end of second question for @fire you add more points to it, say 10, now the base value of @fire is 810 and then you multiply that by 100 so your value of @fire is now 81,000… etc..
i think what you need to do is as follows:
add the value for each question to the variable - don’t do the divide or multiply on each question.
at the end of the variable collection questions ie @fire, you should have the total points the user scored. what is the maximum they could score for when answer the questions for @fire?
say there are 6 questions for @fire and max of 8 points each - that would give you a maximum score for @fire of 48
say my answers were a total of 41 points for @fire
the logic rules to calculate the percentage would be
divide @fire by 48 .. the result would be .85
then multiply @fire by 100 to get the percentage = 85
do the same for each variable in your set and then you can figure out where the user sits in comparison with your ranges