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Congratulations to our award-winning Community 🏆

  • 10 November 2022
  • 14 replies
Congratulations to our award-winning Community 🏆

Hello Community…or should I say award-winning Community!!?


Yep, that's right, our awesome little corner of the internet has been named as a winner in the 2022 GameChanger Europe Awards, by customer success platform Gainsight 🏅



A panel of judges awarded Typeform the Architect Award, for "creating a community that is of help across an entire customer journey, and for its track record of building deep, one-on-one connections with customers". 


The awards ceremony took place today at Gainsight's Pulse Europe conference in London. Our very own @Grace  was there to collect the award, rubbing shoulders with some of Europe's elite B2B companies. 


Congratulations to all of us for this award, it truly belongs to everyone here who has helped shape this community into what it is today. In true Oscar acceptance speech fashion, I'd like to issue a tearful thank you to the folks who have helped make this happen *clears throat*:


  • Props to @Gabolino  who started this whole thing off back in the middle of a global pandemic in 2020. Through his incredible knowledge and excellent leadership this Community was born 🫃
  • Kudos to all members of the Typeform Community team past and present who have worked diligently to ensure that this is a safe space for people to learn and be inspired - @Liz @Grace @Gabi.Amaral @Mariana  🙌
  • Many, many, many thanks to the members who make the Community what it is. In particular thanks to our top contributors in these past couple of years: @john.desborough (el Numero Uno 🙇) @mathio @picsoung @Paulo @vickioneill @Michaela @Darnell @andrew_videoask @the conservative @jvh @belinda_long You are all wonderful and we wish we could have had you up on that stage with us 🧡


And to everyone else who has asked a question, posted a response, or contributed their time to a webinar or a case study – thank you!!!



For more info on the awards and how we won, check out our press release.

14 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@James - that is great news for Typeform… It’s been two years since @Gabolino invited me to participate in the beta for the Community and I have been learning something new in here every day. 

To all the Typeformers - @James @Liz @Grace @picsoung @mathio @Mariana @Gabi.Amaral @jvh and all the others that have helped me along on my learning journey, thank you for working so very hard to make this work for all of us.. 

the all the other folks who contribute, thank you.. you all make a fun challenge to see what’s new, and to see what i might be able to help try and solve for others. 


cheers and congrats,Typeform!


Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Go team! 👏🏆

Userlevel 7
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It was an absolute privilege to collect the award on behalf of all the amazing people that make this community such a fantastic place to be! Very proud - well done everyone! 💙

Userlevel 3
Badge +1

Amazing work team 🏆🏅

Userlevel 7
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Userlevel 7
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lol @andrew_videoask this definitely sums it up!

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Whenever someone asks about quizzes or how to create a fun and more engaging lead channel, I always mention Typeform (of course :)). And I add how amazing this Community is in answering questions and being super helpful with fellow members who get stuck or aren’t sure where to find information. This Community is IMPRESSIVE!!! I’m so glad I’ve been able to help and contribute. I need to get back in here more though 😊

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Whenever someone asks about quizzes or how to create a fun and more engaging lead channel, I always mention Typeform (of course :)). And I add how amazing this Community is in answering questions and being super helpful with fellow members who get stuck or aren’t sure where to find information. This Community is IMPRESSIVE!!! I’m so glad I’ve been able to help and contribute. I need to get back in here more though 😊

bout time you showed up for class @vickioneill lol… cmon back more often … 


Userlevel 5
Badge +2

Yesss, congrats team!! So very well deserved, the Typeform community really knows how to turn up the heat! 🔥 



Userlevel 7
Badge +3

LOVE THIS!!! YAY, Typeform!!! Y’all are the best!!! Love y’all!

Userlevel 5
Badge +4

Amazing work everyone! 

Userlevel 4
Badge +2

Yaaaay, so happy that I was part of this incredible journey! You all deserve this!! Kudos to us! 😍

Userlevel 3
Badge +1

Wow. We’re famous 😘



Felicidades por tan excelente logro, los buenos esfuerzos siempre traen buenas recompensas 
