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Answers not showing when the form loops

  • 24 January 2023
  • 1 reply

In my form, I have a question where respondents select an answer which takes them to a small loop, and then takes them back to the original question in case they want to answer other questions. So they can select A, answer 3 questions for A, and then that takes them back. They can then select B and repeat the process. At the end, they can select P which proceeds with the survey. Later in the survey, I can recall those answers and it recalls them correctly, but when it collates the responses it doesn’t put those answers in, it is as if they never answered those questions.


I don’t want respondents having to go through all 15 when maybe only 4 might be relevant so this looping mechanism works really well, but the collation of the answers, those are all blank. My guess is that because you go back and choose a different option, it disregards those answers, which is really annoying and rubbish functionality of Typeform. If anyone has any suggestions, that would be much appreciated.

Hi @Darryl This is expected behavior, as the respondent is writing over the answer they already provided. If you would like the respondent to answer the same question multiple times, you will need to ask that questions as many times as it might be answered on the form. You can then use logic jumps like this to show only the ones that apply. 
