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Big gap at top of form

Hi, I’ve used a template to build my quiz and have embedded it on my website.

However, there seems to be a large gap at the top of the form between my first piece of text or image and the rest of my web page.

The area circled in red is the gap I’m talking about in the first image.

The second image shows no such gap on the build page.

How can I remedy this?



Hi @Lippy Thanks for stopping by! Would you mind sharing the URL where you have the form embedded so I can take a look for you? :grin:

Hi, sure, here you go

it looks fine on my phone by the way, maybe just a desktop issue?

Ah, I think I see what it might be. Do you happen to have any spacing blocks above your embed block on the Squarespace site, @Lippy ? I’ve accidentally added extra spaces on my own SS site before ha!

Hi Liz,

No, there are no Space blocks or other empty blocks, and all sections are set to ‘small’ height.


Hi @Lippy Apologies for the delay - I didn’t receive the notification of your reply. :( 

Do you mind sharing a screenshot of how you’re embedding the form in Squarespace? 

Hi Liz, no worries.

I wasn’t sure how best to show what you’ve asked for so here’s a photo of where the code is embedded. Is that ok?


Hi @Lippy Yes, thank you! I originally though this was built on a Squarespace site, but the photo looks like it may not be. What builder are you using to embed the form? Additionally, when you’re adding the form to your site, are you choosing the “Javascript” option? Thanks again!

Hi @Liz, yes it is Squarespace and I’m choosing HTML.

If I select Javascript it displays the source code and won’t allow me to turn it off.

Thanks for your help on this.

Huh. Is it displaying the source code on the live version? Additionally, can I have you try embedding the form on a test page? This will help us see if it’s the page the form is on or the embed code itself. Thanks again, @Lippy !

Hi @Lippy! How are you doing today?

Have you had the chance to try what @Liz has suggested above? Don't forget to let us know, hope it works! :pray_tone2:

Hi, thanks for your replies and help but it seems to have been corrected. I’m not sure how or why it’s changed but it doesn’t look quite so large now.

Thanks again


Hi @Lippy Glad to hear it’s working! :grin: Let us know if we can help with anything else. 
