Calendly integration and end results | Community
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Calendly integration and end results

I have 3 appointment options in my Calendly account and have linked all 3 options to typeform. However based on the logic I have setup dictates which Calendly option the user will be presented with. For example if a new client schedules a new client meeting the survery then presents them with the next scheduling option which only applies to current clients. 

Is there a way to have the typeform end after they have scheduled an appointment using the respective scheduling option? 

This is how the stack looks at the moment:


Best answer by Liz

Hi @Acampo Ah, got it. You would need to set a logic jump to send the respondents to the ending page after both Questions 16 & 17 if you would like them to submit their information on your form. You can easily create new endings and direct them to the ones you’d prefer them to see accordingly by clicking the button shown below: 


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  • November 19, 2021

Hi @Acampo Happy Friday! Thanks for stopping by the community. It looks like you already have the respondent sent to the ending after they’ve submitted their information to Calendly, which is the best setup for your form. The responses won’t be saved until the respondent clicks the submit button, so you’ll want to be sure that they do see the endings in order to save their information. 

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  • November 19, 2021

Hi @Liz! Thanks for the quick response. Only slide 18 has the submit button to end the form. Slides 16 & 17 are different types of scheduling options where I would like the sequence to end if the client needs to use either one of those to schedule a meeting. 

I’m hoping there’s a way to add a separate ending if the client ends up booking through slide 16, separate ending for slide 17 and a separate ending for slide 18. Thoughts? 

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  • November 19, 2021

Hi @Acampo Ah, got it. You would need to set a logic jump to send the respondents to the ending page after both Questions 16 & 17 if you would like them to submit their information on your form. You can easily create new endings and direct them to the ones you’d prefer them to see accordingly by clicking the button shown below: 


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  • November 19, 2021

Hi @Liz I’m not seeing anyway to add condition logic to the calendly part. See below:


Even if I try to use an outcome quiz as a workaround the calendly slide doesn’t come up as an option there. I have a loom video that I can email you as well if that helps. Thanks! 

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  • November 19, 2021

Hi @Acampo You can add logic to Calendly like this when you click on the “Logic” tab: 


One thing to note is that it won’t take into account what the respondent answers within the Calendly piece as they’re entering their information to book an event, but you could use the “always jumps to” to send them to an ending. 

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  • November 19, 2021

Hi @liz. Thank you so much, got it to work perfectly! Have a great weekend! 

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  • November 22, 2021

Wahoo! Glad to hear, @Acampo . I hope you had a fabulous weekend!

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  • January 10, 2022

Bumping this as I’m coming across another issue with client books using the calendly link. All options and logic have been setup and seem to have been working correctly however I’m seeing a new issue. Potential clients are given the typeform link to run through the logic questions and are still able to book an appointment. The issue now is that typeforms is only recording the response for some of the respondants. So potential Client A goes through the questions, schedules and appointment and we can see their typeform entries. Potential Client B goes through the same questions, schedules and appointment and there’s no record of them entering anything into typeforms. How could that possibly happen?  

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Hi @Acampo If the respondents aren’t clicking the submit button, their responses won’t be recorded. They’ll need to click this button in order to capture the responses in Typeform. 

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  • January 11, 2022

@Acampo - one of the possible ways to get around the ‘loss’ of typeform data, is to have the Calendly question in a second typeform that the user is sent to (seamlessly) as they submit the answers to the first form. Using the redirection on completion you can do this .. that way the user has to submit their data and then book the meeting. 

you can also change the text on the submit button in the first form to read - ok let’s book that meeting - or something like that, so that they user does not know that they are going to a second form. 

just a thought to extend what @Liz has said


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@john.desborough Very good idea ! By using a second form to answer the calendly question, is it possible to auto fill the name and email in the calendly form ? 

@Liz  is there not a way to validate the Typeform and save the information when the calendly is validated, instead of pressing 2 validation buttons : the calendly validation and the typeform validation to avoid the problem presented by @Acampo ?

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  • January 18, 2022

Hi @omppp We don’t have a solution that would save the Typeform data once the Calendly is submitted since they are two separate products, though our product team is aware of this issue. 

In the meantime, the workaround @john.desborough would be the best solution, and you can autofill the data as shown below in the Calendly settings: 

