
Calorie Calculator with individual result email depending on entered goal after double optin

  • 25 February 2024
  • 5 replies

Hi dear typeform community,

I am very new here and try to build up a BMI & Calorie Calculator Form which will send different result E-Mails after a double opt in via mailchimp/klick-tipp (or any other CRM System which would make that possible) depending on the entered goal (gain muscles/losing fat/become fitter).

Does anyone have an idea how I could make that possible?

5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @AllroundAthletics Welcome to the community and typeform! Happy to have you here. 

We have a post below that talks about creating a BMI calculator that may help you get started: 

For the CRM part, would you like to have a multiple-choice question on the form to learn what their goals are? Or how will that answer be collected? 

In the meantime, you can read about connecting your typeform to Mailchimp here. 😀

Hi Liz,

thanks for your answer. I will try the BMI Calculator. For CRM integration I will use multiple-choice. For the calorie calculator I found this conversation but somehow I can’t use the same function in my logic.

Best regards,


Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @AllroundAthletics Do you mind sharing a screenshot of what you’re seeing in your logic editor? That’ll help me see why it’s not letting you set up the same sort of thing. 

Sorry for the late respond. I was operated and couldn’t answer back.

Sure. Here you got a screenshot compared to the BMI logic it seems like I can’t ad anymore options.


Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @AllroundAthletics If you click the button shown below, this should allow you to add additional calculations to that question: 

