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Continuing from end page

  • 9 July 2021
  • 9 replies

Hi, I would like the end page to comes in the middle of my quiz then continue with other questions after the end page. The reason is I need to let users know the results first then allowing them to choose the next step.  I tried using a “ Statement” and add the @score but I am unable to add in the social icons on the “Statement” page. 

Is the any other things I can do?

Thank you



@icwkien - not quite sure if this would solve the problem, but break it into two quizzes.. based on what you say, you have have a logical point to break the quiz in two and pass any data from the first to the second by hidden fields. 


just a thought




Yes, I tried that which was a good idea but once I separate the quiz I can’t personalise by name “ @Welcome, explorer. 

you can pass the name in a hidden field using the redirect 

here is an example 

that uses the redirection on completion to pass the details across to the second form

form one:

note the answer fields used in the string that will be passed to second form - note firstname


form two: receiving variables are created in the advanced logic Hidden Fields area so that the inbound data can be passed into the hidden variables, which can then be @recalled



try it out and see.. should work for you



@john.desborough , Thank you. Let me try it out.


I am missing something, I followed your way but it shows my URL invalid and on second form it didn’t shows anything in hidden fields.


there is a little trick that you can try: on the second form, once you have created the hidden fields, publish the form and then go to Share and copy the link … it will have all the hidden fields you need and the values are stubbed  something like this :

paste that into the first form as the redirect url and replace the xxxxx with the questions, variables etc. ie delete the xxxx’s and then click on the little + sign to select the field that you want in the expression. 

if you want to take a screen shot of your logic setup and post it and/or provide a link to the form to give it a try… 




Here the link.



Can I check how do I add ending as logic?


I messed up my another quiz and I can add logic. I wanted to add as logic because after the questions it supposed to show a result then click continue to redirected second form but it goes direct to second form now.


if you are using the two form approach, there is a subtle difference between redirect and the endings: as soon as you hit submit you are redirected to the other form and don’t see the endings at all. 

if you have put logic into your ending pages that you want to show the user before going to the second form, using the redirect, then you should insert statement pages with the ‘ending logic’ on them as the last page before they hit the redirect/submit button. 

this way they will see the information you want to present and then be directed to the next form 

make sense??

