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Customize the form look and feel of the form

  • 18 June 2024
  • 3 replies


I was wondering if it would be possible to set the background of the form in one color and the questions in a different color. Like in here:

As you can see, the background is in a different color then the question itself


Hello again, @perticas ! It might be helpful to look at our article here on themes, which will tell you how to change the background/image/colors/font/etc. 😀

Great! thanks, however I am not able to see if I can add a background to the title of the question only so that the question and answers appear in white and the background in green for example, do you know if this is possible?



Hi @perticas Just so I understand correctly, are you trying to have basically two different backgrounds per question/page? If so, we don’t exactly have that option. However, you could create that dual-color background in something like Canva and then upload it to Typeform. 
