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Doubts with advanced logics

  • 15 July 2021
  • 5 replies

Hello community, a pleasure to say hello.

I have a question regarding the assignment of logic in the questions.
Can I assign a logic that if in a question I answer "yes" or more than one answer, omit in the form questions 10, 11, 56, for example?

Hi @Francis Welcome to the community! If I’m reading correctly, are you looking to assign logic jumps based on how many times a respondent answers yes? If so, this is possible, though it might be a bit tricky to set up since you’ll need to account for all possible scenarios. 

Do you mind sharing a bit more about your ideal path in the form? That will help me see if I can create an example to help you out!



Hi Liz, perfect, look, I'll share an image with the logic that I must follow. As you can see, in question 1 it says: what, if I answer alternative 1, skip question 2 (that's easy), but if I enter question 2 and put option 1, they should automatically omit "3,4,5 , 6, ... 58 ". That is, these questions should not automatically appear to answer within the form. The yellow ones mean that they are easy since they follow a linear logic.


Oh, got it! It sounds like you just need to use this logic jump setup to skip questions that apply and/or only show the relevant ones. Does that seem like what you’re looking for? 

Hi Liz, thanks you so much for your help!!

Not a problem, @Francis ! :grinning: Let me know if I can help with anything else!
