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Estimated time really off and progress bar not showing

I’m doing a quiz using the “Interactive fiction” template.

Two issues:


  • The estimated time indicated at the beginning remains at 1 mn despite the 20 questions and time being closer to 10 mn. I dont see how to change that
  • The progress bar does not show.


@Carosanfran - could you provide a link to your quiz so that we could test it out, please and thanks



@john.desborough Hi! I have the same issue - the progress bar doesn’t show on both of our forms (though it’s on on the setting and also shows in the preview): 



@Carosanfran @viktorijaignatavciute 

the estimated time on the welcome page is not related to the progress bar. The estimated time is an algorithm that is based on the amount of time it the platform sees a survey taking to complete. yutoggle that on and off on the welcome screen settings

the progress bar is another setting that you have to toggle on in your settings menu 

try setting that ON and see what happens.. 

hope this helps you 



@john.desborough I get it - thanks. in both of my form examples the progress bar is on in the settings, yet it doesn’t appear on the form itself as you progress. This is the issue I’m trying to address and resolve.


@viktorijaignatavciute - perhaps the text colour of the message is black and it is getting lost in your black background?? i have seen that on some other forms from other folks .. 



@john.desborough - thanks! In the preview mode the progress bar shows as default grey, therefore, I didn’t see the background colour being an issue. In this case, is there a way to change progress bar colour? I couldn’t find it on either form or theme level, and in the theme settings all apart from background are not set as black.


Hi @viktorijaignatavciute Apologies for the delay on the reply. It isn’t possible to change the color of the progress bar, but if there’s anything else we can help with, please let us know. 

@john.desborough and @Liz , do you know how to address the Quiz duration indicator issue ?

Hi @Carosanfran would you mind sharing the URL of the form so I can take a look? Thanks!

@Carosanfran - can you define the “Quiz duration indicator issue” a little more fully please? 


