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Field Reference ID

  • 1 March 2021
  • 2 replies

In the classic editor, I was able to manually tweak the field reference IDs, which is vital when submitting a form to a webhook. I can’t see how to do this now in the ‘new’ editor. Any ideas?

2 replies

Userlevel 7
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Hi @DanielBreakthroughC. Welcome to the Typeform Community! 🚀


You still have the option to manually tweak the field reference IDs, but it's now located in form settings:



Hope this helps! Let us know if you were able to find it =) 

Hi! This is incredibly helpful. How do you set the Block references for a “Contact Info” type question? I gave the block a reference, but its still coming back as 4 individual answers (one for each field) that are random UUIDs.
